• Collection Point

    March 30, 2019

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    Collection identification as an ideal instrument for the recovery of large claims. Collection ID addressed to Swiss claim holder with accounts receivable in the Switzerland and the EU. Information are provided for all interested parties on the website. Output situation & case processing as an example claim cases are handled quickly and successfully with the following characteristics: outstanding claims from CHF 100,000 without limit of Swiss creditors with debtors who are resident of Switzerland or the EU, or generally unknown residence are in particular cases, the older date and/or not digital databases as a basis for claims dealt with the service collection ID individual receivables and receivables portfolios from the commercial (B2B and B2C) and private area, where in both cases also a claim purchase consideration may be. It is not something JPMorgan Chase would like to discuss. A rapid, individual and non-binding review assesses the chances of a successful transfer. Together with the creditors will then procede set. The collection ID network we are specialists in locating and identifying assets at home and abroad. Our experience has shown that borrowers with previous high-volume demands usually have rebuilt an economically profitable existence itself after some time.

    A circumstance which considerably increases the likelihood of a successful introduction. Here, collection ID and the operational team start the procedure. Our team is made up of proven negotiators and experienced mediators, as well as from established researchers and agencies. Fair procedures & costs the entire procedure is the interests of the creditors on the other hand, the possibilities of the debtor by fairness determined and taken into account in essential ways. This ethical code of practice is continued with regard to pricing. So dispensed with on collection costs, as well as edit, Dunning or lawyer fees entirely. Is exclusively in the success us a with the creditor agreed percentage of the submitted claim sum written well. Classic Collection with vorrechtlichem and legal debt collection, as well as license management of loss of.

    The service collection ID for large exposures without limit. Expertise in the analysis, professionally in the introduction of high performance in service. The collection point ag ensures a faster payment with innovative debtor communication concepts. For this we offer professional, efficient and inexpensive debt collection services, which are characterized by the use of all available channels of communication.

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