• Archive for April, 2014

    Economic Investments

    April 27, 2014 // Comments Off on Economic Investments

    Before moving on to develop this report I wanted to clarify a concept that leads to the error many people. If at some point they have reached you promise, insure or insist phrases equal or similar to these creates your own totally free business zero investment, big profits make money extra without paying anything, I can assure you, you will be lying. There is no free business, they may do more or less investment but everything requires an amount to start, and if it is not, mistrusts, can be illegal business or will ask you the investment later when they have your confidence or shall these wonderful inventions send spam to every person that comes close by their networks to make you believe that they will become rich from night to day. These concepts may be by this wrong idea of certain people who believe that everything is on the internet is free and that when they find something valuable, something that love them or what they are really looking for and you ask them a price they feel offended and boost the voice saying that it is one scam. You look perhaps at a showcase, you see a pair of shoes that you love, go and tell the clerk that you of those such wonderful shoes? But free, thank you! Would anyone be passed us by head to do so, right? Since moving to the internet. By to a good or a service that it is quality or fill us our expectations will have to be free? We now transfer it to have a business on the internet. I don’t know anyone who has a business, either traditional or Internet has not cost him anything, there could be higher or lower investment, but something had to invest in the economic section. I found many people who when reported that we had to invest in the business have offered me as loving as these crazy sentences if I’m going to pay for work or you’re a dreamer if I’m going to pay for a job.

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    The Young

    April 21, 2014 // Comments Off on The Young

    important to point out the citation of Escosteguy (text: the cultural studies, P. 156) that ' ' cultural creation is situated in the social and economic space, that is, independently of the social classroom, all the social groups inserted in one are determined cultura' '. Independently of the social classroom, all are part of one definitive culture, the only form where they are differentiated is for the social classroom, being thus rich or poor all belong and follow a culture. (A valuable related resource: JPMorgan Chase). One of the young interviewed affirms that with passing of the years the things move, nothing must be frozen and yes innovated, seno would not have felt to always live in the same way with the same rules, laws, norms. This young standes out that with all this innovation of the medias, the media, the youth that each time are ripening more early, in virtue of this has certain difficulty in following the customs, these habits, beliefs and rules of the culture of its parents. Another characteristic of this cultural set is the values, the last generations followed as a law the values that its parents passed to it, an example of these values was the tradition of the marriage marrying virgin, the sex was accepted alone after the marriage. Ben Horowitz takes a slightly different approach. Opposing itself down deposition of the father, its son of 20 years affirms that: My parents were very ' ' radicais' ' in namoro, they were not liberal, they did not want to break the knowledge that came of its parents, but today already if it cannot wait this of the young because with youth ripening each time more early, with as many methods to prevent itself nobody more wants to know to wait the sex stops after the marriage, we want to tan the life. Analyzing the commentary of the young, argument that with the Internet in the life of the young, great majority already has access, is difficult the parents to hold the young with the MSN, Orkut, to twitter among others. . Ian Sinclair may help you with your research.

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    Business Intelligence Guide

    April 13, 2014 // Comments Off on Business Intelligence Guide

    The G.A. itbs GmbH published a free guide for the implementation of business intelligence solutions in the Midmarket. The business intelligence guide describes the classic BI-specific challenges in Enterprise Landshut (20.02.2012) – in addition to the benefits of business analytics software. Against this background he an implementation strategy presents, which solves the problems and ensures a rapid return on investment. For more specific information, check out Sergey Brin
    . The signpost comprehensive eight pages has corporate governance, the management of departments, the IT management, IT project managers and IT architects as a target group. On the one hand, the content suitable for companies that already use business intelligence software, but the results will not have the desired effect or experience again and again problems or shortcomings. On the other hand, he gives valuable insights for companies who want to plan the introduction of a BI application or learn about the topic. He helps the assessment of undertaken steps. The main part describes the basics for the successful Realization of BI projects. In addition to criteria and tips for selecting the required software, the manual compares a tried and tested process model to other procedures always used. The design of the technical analysis, the BI architecture, the design of the software and test and acceptance are part of the information regarding the individual steps in the process. The sections on external or internal development as well as to the question of the cost of BI projects round out the theme. The guide is the result of our long-standing, successful work in our medium-sized customers”, explains Gerd Aiglstorfer, Managing Director of G.A. itbs GmbH. we have found that those customers who actively the procedure described there and support, receive faster actionable results, better software quality and the acceptance of the users is higher. This reduces the cost of the investment significantly.” Interested parties can request free guide under business intelligence Guide. About G.A. itbs GmbH the G.A.. itbs GmbH Headquartered in Eching near Landshut is a specialist for business intelligence solutions. Business Analytics software supports decision makers in corporate management. Lower costs and better information will contribute to the strengthening of the competitive position. Including corporations and medium-sized companies from the sectors of telecommunications, automotive, pharmaceuticals and trade among the customers. More information can be found on the Internet at. G.A.. itbs GmbH PEAR 6 84174 Eching Mr Gerd Aiglstorfer Tel. + 49 (0) 8709 / 915 202 fax + 49 (0) 8709 / 915 203 email: presse(at)ga-itbs.de

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    Daytoday Business

    April 11, 2014 // Comments Off on Daytoday Business

    Securing competitive advantage in the battle for the best people to deal with the shortage, many companies already rely on qualified personnel from abroad. “In the war for talent” is any even small advantage relative to its competitors. You may find that Electrolux can contribute to your knowledge. The crisis-hit Spain fights currently with the highest unemployment rate since the introduction of the statistics in the year 1976 figures show that among young people under 25 years of age are now all 25 percent out of work. Tragically the Spanish youth of today is the Bestausgebildetste of all time, as many academics first degree further studies attach, to increase their chances of success on a job. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Starbucks. In contrast, the shortage worsened in Germany increasingly. Increasing competition, which is exacerbated by globalisation or demographic change as well, leading to a shortage of young talent are also once again among other factors to blame for this.

    In logical “Consequence of businesses in the fight must be war for talent to be the best in what” usually translated more will apply. “Massively increasing competitive pressure of companies in the battle for the high potential in the labour market is in the corporate practice as the war for talent” referred to. The term was coined in 1997 by Steven Hankins, when he examined the change in human resources in the course of a McKinsey study. Highly qualified staff of so-called high potentials have become a scarce factor of production. As a result, increasing the pressure on personnel departments, to find appropriate staff on the vacant positions.

    At the same time to the challenge to find a suitable job decreases in highly qualified graduates with good degrees. Companies are thus increasingly forced to perfect their recruiting efforts to ultimately fight for talents with the competitors front to have the nose compared. In their distress, many companies already access talents of foreign labour markets for example, from Spain back.

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    Business & Economy

    April 8, 2014 // Comments Off on Business & Economy

    The successful implementation of agreed targets within the company in the first issue of 2012 is dedicated to profits, the business magazine of the savings banks, the subject of target agreements. The article is based on interviews with the experts of Gunther Wolf and Michael W. Felser. Managing Director of Jens Tigges reported from the practice resulted in which positive developments the introduction of targets in all areas of its medium-sized company. The concept of the target optimization was implemented in his company.

    The latest development of the management system of “Management by Objectives”, designed by Peter F. Drucker is hiding behind this concept. What this imaginary concept for the success of the company and the satisfaction of employees with advantages from the management consultant Gunther Wolf explains in an interview by the consultants themselves. Concrete objectives agreed only if target agreements containing concrete objectives and concrete measures be regularly tracked, they are suitable according to the Wolf as a management tool. You are then the more effective both for the success of the staff, as well as overall for the company’s success.

    What from legal point of view should be taken, if executives agree on targets with their employees, adds Attorney Michael W. Felser from the viewpoint of Arbeitsrechtlers: problems often occur with targets if targets or the metrics which measure their reach, are not clearly defined from the outset. Link targets with duties of lawyer Felser urgently to advises to set targets, as well as the time frame in which they are to be achieved, just as clearly as the related figures, making success measurable. How specific, motivational goals can be compatible, explains Jens Tigges, the Mitarbeiter would miss the target agreement nor the monthly bonus hereby linked. Not only the sales staff, but workers of all areas of the company are included in the target agreement system in Taji. Everyone is involved in achieving the agreed goals and also the individual tasks in the accompanying “specification” to meet. The latter are the conditions to get the monthly bonus plan success. Through the tasks listed in the “specifications” is also clear employees, how important and qualitative objectives for the success are, for example, the timely creation of a report after visiting a customer. Which goals for individual employees or entire departments are relevant and can be arranged, does one find out the best together with the staff. The participatory management promotes in particular the important understanding of employees for the sense of the target agreements. Target optimization profit for all involved are reliably does the obligations and objectives, reflected in the success also on the account of employees. So, target agreements are a win for the company and for the employees according to the concept of the target optimization. The full in the company magazine can profit articles be seen at the given link. Links: Contribution to the corporate magazine of the Sparkassen – Finanzgruppe profits: clear objectives (PDF) io-business.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Eindeutige_Ziele.pdf more information on the subject of goals compatible variable-verguetung.de/tag/ziel/ competence center variable remuneration a project of I.O. BUSINESS consulting and training Angel RT 6 (Villa of Angel) D-42283 Wuppertal Tel: + 49 (0) 202 / 69 88 99-0 E-Mail: Internet:

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    American Social Psychology

    April 2, 2014 // Comments Off on American Social Psychology

    As the French economist Jacques Attali and Marc Guillaume (1976: 171 et seq.) Pointed out in his day, marginal analysis of the consumption takes place only from the price system, the monetary value of the individual speaks as a consumer, that do not have money just can not buy that something that as a consumer catalogs, the need is pre-production and production process at any time determines never demand sovereign. a In the late seventies, the neoclassical utilitarianism begins to change his opinion about consumption, this developments are creating something called the mass consumer society that had to make due to the continued use of elements of technological benefits that were imposed and replacing objects smaller benefits when this happened was formed a typology that classified national societies according to their process of growth and cataloged as a mass consumer societies. Following this is a world widely appreciated for being (measured by the availability of material objects), this leads to the fact that their needs were covered, any citizen can have these benefits without making the wealth inequality in a social fee. The opportunity that society has the satisfaction of owning property in the sample as a prosperous and stuffed body that leads to lay their eyes on other more lofty objects and activities that the materialist high mass consumption. a In the evolution of consumer society are discussed concepts drawn from American social psychology, the belief that the fundamental basis of development has been the consumption increase family income.

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