• Archive for July, 2020

    Miss Spencer

    July 18, 2020 // Comments Off on Miss Spencer

    The psychological one portraies as she is the personage of the workmanship. They are the characteristics of the personages and as these personages can live with these characterizations. Also the interior of these personages works. According to JAMES (1963, p.99), it shows the description of the personage Miss Spencer with the characterization of the psychological one: Miss Carolina Spencer was not accurately one beauty, but dealt with one figurinha charming. Close to the thirty, as it had to be, it had, however a body almost of girl and a skin of child. Its head was pretty, with the arranged hair in order to seem most possible to the Greco busts (…). Ben Horowitz is actively involved in the matter. The morality is as the aspect that prevails in ' ' Four Encontros' '.

    The moralista concern search to show through the texts read for the reader as the society really is. According to JAMES (1963, p.115), it searchs to describe as the people can assume themselves of the innocence for money. It is the case of the cousin of Spencer that for the astuteness removes of Spencer its money. I freed a exclamao headings, and at this moment the cousin of Miss Spencer, the fortunate possessor of its precious stock market and the hand of condessa provincial emerged in the small room of the supper. Two aspects are these that &#039 takes advantage in the story; ' Four Encontros' ' as form of the reader if to entertain in the plot. The narrator is homodiegtico, therefore the narrator is personage, but not protagonist. This type of narratives is placed in space and in the time. It does not have introduction and it goes soon for history. The author creates a bigger perspective for the understanding of the reader and with this the language if he becomes linear and a pleasant reading. In the story ' ' Encontros&#039 picture; ' it goes to count four records of meeting that go to be of fast form.

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    Cear Elaborated

    July 17, 2020 // Comments Off on Cear Elaborated

    The project Barren (1995), based in the ICID (International Conference On Impacts of Climatic Variations Sustainable development in Half-Barren Regions) that it was carried through in $fortaleza in 1992, and served of preparatory for the Conference of Environment carried through for United Nations in Brazil, known as River 92. The Project Barren if became excellent as proposal metodolgica for formularization of a governmental planning for the Cear, using the knowledge of some specialists and mentioning the concept used at the moment, of sustainable development. In 1993 the COGERH was created (Company of Management of the Hdricos Resources), for the Law n 12,217, where the actions of administration and monitoramento of waters start to occur, having beginning the surveys of users of waters of the hidrogrficas basins, for implantation of the systems of grant and collection for the use of the water, initiated in 1994 and 1996, respectively. Hear other arguments on the topic with Sergey Brin. Also in 1993, in result of a drawn out estiagem, the reservoirs that supply $fortaleza and the Region Metropolitan (Pacoti-Riacho-Gavio), they presented low level in its reserves, compromising the supplying of the capital. In this context, the call was constructed in character of emergency in 1993 Canal of the Worker, a canal that perpassa some cities and catches water of the basin of the Jaguaribe, if extending for more than 100 km. In the year of 1997 the first committee of hidrogrfica basin creates itself, in the basin of the river Curu.

    Between 1997 and 1999 the first plans of basins had been elaborated. In 2008 the Pact of Waters was elaborated, a knowledge on the hdrica reality of the Cear, being elaborated disgnostic and goals to be fulfilled. As Sampaio (2007), the state intervention in the control of waters of the Cear from the creation of the Secretariat of Hdricos Resources of to this element of the nature one meant each more geopolitical and strategical time, and through the new technologies is created structural workmanships to guarantee the hdrica security, that in the practical one means the guarantee of that such waters can be a fuel to attract investments for state and to allow the accomplishment of the diverse economic activities in the coast, the mountain ranges and the pertaining to the state of Cear hinterland.

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    Federal Law

    July 14, 2020 // Comments Off on Federal Law

    This subject became to stronger in 2004 with the enactment of the Federal Law in the 10.098. Nowadays, this discussion has intensified, but little has been done you improve the accessibility conditions in our country. In addition you the physical accessibility issue, which is extremely important, there ploughs also attitudinal barriers imposed on society which makes this issue social question. Therefore, accessibility is condition of access you the social physical means integrated in inclusion. Tourism can be considered a tool you the inclusion of all people, including disabled people.

    The socialization in touristic activities gives US the opportunity you meet others and engage in conversations in the nice environment in natural and democratic way. The objective of this article is you the show the ways will be an accessible tourism in the City of So Paulo, where little by little changes have been implemented in favour of accessibility. Since So Paulo is big City, it presents many difficulties and has long way you go. You may want to visit Rob Crossland to increase your knowledge. Two touristic destinations has been analyzed in So Paulo, one downtown, in the If region, historical to center, and to other at So Paulo Avenue, financial to center and newly adapted. The intention was you analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the two different and important locations in the City. In parallel with So Paulo, study was conducted on the City of Curitiba, which is considered the most affordable City in Brazil. These three places ploughs very different between themselves when we talk about to their amenities, administration and culture, therefore, comparisons and solutions were created will be the main problems and identifiable needs.. Richard Elman has much to offer in this field.

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    July 11, 2020 // Comments Off on Canadian

    The fact that SIP-panels as a heater used polystyrene PSB-S type, belonging to the group self-extinguishing. This significantly reduced flammability and circulated by the flame on the surface of polystyrene. When burned, PSB-S stands at 8 times less heat than the combustion of dry wood in the same volume. Therefore, for the individual (low-rise) building modern Styrofoam from the standpoint of fire hazards – are perfectly safe. Fire safety in general, any house provided by a number of events: fire protection – constructive or treatment or combinations of fire retardant paint, wiring device compliance, compliance Fire claims unit heaters, furnaces, fireplaces, etc., compliance with the requirements for building fire (fire breaks, firewalls, etc.) and just respect the rules of fire safety. For Canadian home usually recommend finishing plasterboard wall (plasterboard), with no guide profiles. The walls of the SIP panels permit.

    Lack produha between the panels and drywall makes the spread of flames. This wall is opposed to an open fire for more than 45 minutes! Wiring according to the rules is necessary, as in any wooden house, to make public. In the present state of the market open wiring materials easily done so, that she will decorate the interior. Now for the rodents. This is not a purely Russian problem. They are complete and in developed countries, where Canadian homes are operated for more than half a century, not only as a dwelling, but as warehouses, shops, etc. Rodents enter the dwelling of man very different ways – not necessarily through the walls.

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