• Archive for September, 2013

    Secrets Law

    September 29, 2013 // Comments Off on Secrets Law

    Secrecy gives you everything you want: happiness, health and wealth. What is the secret? I will explain what I have transmitted my teachers. We all work with a universal infinite power that is saved in where the vast majority of people do not seek it, and why, is not believed to exist, first because it is not and second is very well kept, imagine where? In the depths of your mind. We are all guided by the same laws. Are the natural laws of the universe extraordinary, wherever we are Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, Central America, Europe, etc.? We all work with the same power. A single law. The attraction! The secret is the law of attraction! Everything that comes into your life is because you’ve attracted. And you’ve attracted by images that you have in your mind.

    You become what you think about subconscious way. What you think attract you. Thou who activate the law of attraction through your mind and that’s what I’m going to explain to you, if your mind has been shaped or influenced by dominant thoughts negatives from your growth, or these contaminating your life with negative news never really results in your physical reality, you cuestionaras daily and say I do not work for me. And I have to confess something 90% of the population worldwide has been formed and influenced by this type of training and negative beliefs, my mission is to show you that you can change your subconscious thought structure and achieve results with the law of attraction.

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    FIFA Acknowledges Problems

    September 13, 2013 // Comments Off on FIFA Acknowledges Problems

    FIFA recognizes that there might be something wrong with the Jabulani World Cup ball, but will not act on any problem until after the tournament. Many Jabulani ball players have likened the Jabulani to a ball of supermarket, saying that it is too unpredictable and flies through the air too easily. We are not deaf, said Jerome Valcke FIFA Secretary general this Saturday. FIFA is not little receptive about what has been said about the ball. Valcke said that FIFA will discuss the matter with coaches and teams after the World Cup, and then meet with manufacturer Adidas. There are rules for the size and weight.

    But the ball has to be perfect. Goalkeepers have complained about the ball in the recent World Cup, and even coaches have added their laments. The Brazilian coach Dunga got into a verbal dispute with Valcke Jabulani before the tournament, challenging the FIFA Executive to go out there and try to control it. The Jabulani could create even more problems in the too colorful, and is for that reason that this year’s is more white.

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    American Congress

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    05.10.2008 18.17 GMT Hear about recruitment in the formation of the bottom. They call it a 'cautious optimism'. When they say so, it can mean two things: either it is a game in order to further attempt to delicious foot, either by themselves do not understand the what is happening. Like that: 'Grandma said, in two – whether it would be if not, whether it is raining snow. " Let's start in order, perhaps with a view to understanding the events. A little bit about the history of the Fed and the consequences of this monopoly until 1913 on issue money was the U.S. Congress.

    But the bankers wanted to get such a tasty morsel. It would be nice to see the opposition of the Roman me to Caesar, since the beginning of the Christian chronology, and British jewelers to the royal court, in medieval times (search on the internet, if you're interested). And in December 1913, the American Congress, in the absence of after returning for the Christmas holidays of members, held that since Since then, referred to as' Act of the Federal Reserve. " Naturally, there were no banking lobbyists. According to some reports, threads, created by the Fed, are attracted to banking dynasties of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Morgans. Incidentally, Wills Rothschild has such lines: '… categorically and unequivocally prohibit any inventory of my estate, any judicial intervention and disclosure of my state …'. In short, this Act authorized the establishment of Corporation of the Federal Reserve under the control of the Board.

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    Hands To Work

    September 11, 2013 // Comments Off on Hands To Work

    GET TO WORK, TO WORK! We declare that our mind is clean of limiting beliefs, or is on track to adopt new beliefs. Now it is time to work, when I read the story of Glenna Salsbury more than two years ago, I put hands to work. Glenna in 1977 was a single woman, mother of 3 daughters and with debts, an asistii to a semninario of day: I + I: R Imaginancion + intensity: reality, this woman put together a book of dreams with pictures of what I wanted to achieve 1) a good man waiter 2) a woman with wedding dress and a man with a smokin’ 3) 4) jewelry bouquets((, bright 5) an island in the Caribbean 6) a cute House 7) 8 New furniture) a woman, she herself Vice President of a large company. About eight weeks later she met a man, who then married to which he liked giving flowers, collects shiny, was honeymoon to a Caribbean island, has a beautiful new home and a while later they named Vice President of resources human from the company where he worked. From that moment I put hands to work and arme in an old photo album that my first dreams album was empty. While now armo videos with my dreams, I keep it with love, because there are my first dreams fulfilled. She looked at him two or three times per day, I learned that our subconscious records more by images and as sometimes hard to visualize, it helped me to get me to record my wishes in my mind. The first that appeared was a microwave, was unforgettable, always for Christmas got used to give us little things and that Christmas after accustomed gifts, my parents were looking for a big box with a microwave, I was touched to tears when I realized that there was one in my small dreams album, no one understood anything, get excited by receiving a microwave for me was much more, it was the law of the attraction running in my life.

    So my dreams were complying, moreover if they saw the last video of statements, I built it with photos of the Perito Moreno glacier and the rest of beautiful glaciers of Calafate, where I went last March, was a dream come true, the glacier photo is on the album in dreams I built more than two years ago. Just come and trust, it works, as well as hands to work. Looking at magazines, newspapers wherever you want and animate to dream, don’t settle, we were taught it was good to conform with what we have, and it was wrong to ask for more, as is not the case, we are limitless beings in an unlimited universe, which you have more, help the expansion of the universe, we have a God of abundance not a God of shortcomings. You mereces you have in your hands all you put on your dreams album. Watch it several times a day, and then tell me how you did.

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