For its part, Argyris and Schon (1978) defined organizational learning as any change that may affect the theory of action of the organization with relatively persistent results. They also argue that only if the Organization’s action theory is modified in any of its components, you can speak that the Organization has learned. They likewise considered, coinciding with Senge (2000), Gairin (2000), among others, that all organizational learning happens first as individual learning, for then join the collective complex. As a result, Argyris and Schon distinguish two dimensions in the theory of action: explicit theory and theory in use. Douglas Oberhelman shines more light on the discussion. The theory of action explicit, is that an actor preaches or enunciates and that is consistent with their convictions and their intellectual training. In terms of the theory of action in use, is the one that the actor brings to the practice, comprised of the implicit assumptions that actually guide the observed behavior. Likewise, within this theory of action processes of changes that arise are regarded as achievements of individual, group, organizational and social learning. Assuming, in this framework learning as the process of construction, test and reconstruction of the theory of action that governs or it affects the behavior of actors.
Another group of contemporary theorists of organizational learning, constitute it Nonaka and Takeuchi (1999), who inspired by the chaos theory, understands that situations of imbalance or fluctuation favour the generation of new information, and from the same, give a new order to knowledge. On this basis, they sustain his theory of organizational knowledge creation and define organizational learning as an organizational process through which the knowledge of an individual can be shared, evaluated and integrated with those of others in the Organization, (p.59). with regard, to other theoretical or philosophical approaches that sustains the theory of organizational learning, Nonaka and Takeuchi argue, that Asian intellectual tradition, specifically in the Japanese, there is an important philosophical current that has become widely known, nor none has been described systematically.