Happiness is How to define a state of being that it varies of person for person, of culture for culture? As the Greek philosopher Epicuro said, ' ' He only has a way for the happiness. Not worrying in them about things that exceed the power of ours vontade' '. We look the happiness in stingy things, lose precious time in disdaining the other for its social or etnia status. We forget that nothing he is permanent in this universe, and that the river always runs. They are the moments that we have that to live, not to anticipate, not to be victim of the anxiety that corrodes our chest and destroys our plans because we always give vexame with the anxiety to make, to happen, to appear He stows searching my experiences, and the moments happyer than I lived were purely human, nothing material. Kevin Johnson: the source for more info. It was not the perfume most expensive, the car of the fashion, the best jewel of the jewelry shop, or the toy of the moment. This sensation of happiness passes after one days soon. More for that it stops the others, but it passes. Recently Jim Umpleby sought to clarify these questions.
E we leave more in search ' ' felicidade' ' as he was something that we could to buy in shopping to center of the city. Not, my expensive friends! The business is not well thus. If thus he was, all rich would be mega happy. Kevin Johnson spoke with conviction. the psychologists, therapists, consultants would be declared insolvent due to clientele. My happy moments deal with the souvenir of a dear friend who forgot never me, and always wanted to know notice mine; the colloquies with mine loved sister, in our room, still of bachelors, abetters with our segredinhos, hidden of papa, extreme conservative. The strolls in family where always we fought, but, today more mature, we consider normal in the families; my animals of esteem, always warm to my redor, with its licked quentinhas. mine mimo for them! Then, it reflects: What it is happiness for you? It makes what you happy? What you want for its life? Material things are more easy to conquer of what a escudeiro faithful friend to its side at the moments most difficult; But if conquering, I guarantee that it will have comfort, aconchego and affection, many of the ingredients of the happiness. Somebody to celebrate with you your party of anniversary, to go to its marriage, to press its hand during the pain of the childbirth.
Nothing of this if purchase! If conquest! I feel when stroll with my dogs happy! I feel myself happy when I make a good work and I help the people! I feel myself happy when I am to the side of the people who I love! I feel myself happy when I give of gift something that has very deserved! I feel myself happy when I am encircled with friends with a positive energy! How many times, after an event, we speak for we ourselves: ' ' I happy age and not sabia' '! Not wise person, why? Because she was blind, looking at for the gram of the neighbor. She takes care of of its gram, she leaves it verdinha, she waters it because if not, it dies. Thus, they are the feelings. you? It says me there! It is felt happy when?
I always secretly hoped that someday. some night (winter, spring, summer, autumn – it does not matter) I can look out the window to see there is what has always dreamed of. You. But my windows are located on an abandoned building, and I stopped looking out the window. I'm just looking at what's left. Movies, TV series, the people in and outside school. And I think that someday this will change, and the world becomes a little bit better. But it only dreams and I have to just live.
and wait. miracle. Here we go again. Evening. Sofa. TV. People on the screen do not understand much.
Because they do not know all that they know the audience. They just live in the film. Play a role. But they still are smarter than ordinary people. Ben Horowitz shines more light on the discussion. But here's a movie ended. As usual, the 'happy ending'. Sorry, only everything in life is not so nice. In life, not always good triumphs over evil. Not all homeless children find a home. Not all orphans find their parents or guardians. Not everyone will get something want. Only a few achieve its goals. There is no such person. or friend who would be willing to go with you across the country to help you find the truth. the meaning of life or anything else that would be important to you. And you say, that everything you see. That all their problems and go. one. But when you say to a friend nuzhzhna help, you're running do not hesitate to help him. Because you really want to help him. And you hope that after this he necessarily help m e b e. In the real world there are no people to help man, fallen in the street. Many simply walk by, or simply asked dryly 'all right? " and a man nothing to do but say yes. Because At best, that people can do – call the ambulance. No one put his hand will not help pick up the bag. No one holds up to the house and did not tell relatives what had happened. Because all anyway. Everyone lives in a hurry, running along the streets and are looking for. with h and with T L is your happiness. Often without realizing that it is close. You need only stop and look closely. But no one stops. All are past that they are looking for.
In this material transformation the man develops a happened conscience of the relation kept with the materiality, manifest in the language, that the authors call ' ' conscience real' ' , for a empirismo expositor of the human conscientious state, creating a partner-cultural interchange. Being he stains of a descartiano ideal, corroborating the materializante process of composition of the man in relation to the way, the language results in a social comprometimento of relations between beings in parity as for the biossocial development, beyond a transmission of the proper lingustica materiality that brings to baila a saussureana perspective. He exists, according to Marx and Engels, influence on the man of a conscience of the purely animal nature, called ' ' religion of natureza' ' , – sending to a rousseauniana inheritance – that a posteriori, it would foment in the citizen a relationary limitation to the natural state that would regulate the development of social order, taking care of a necessity of gregria conscience tied with the natural disposals of an existing materiality. In regards to division of the work, a dichotomy between material and intellectual work is observed, creating a conflict between productive forces and social relations, resulting in a composed model tripartite of productive force, social state and conscience, being that this third conscientious factor would be usurping for itself a manifest legitimation as status supplies, fomenting the inaquality. Presenting the inaquality as consequncia of a concientious overlapping of homo intellectus, at the same time emerging critical mordacious a hegeliana school, going to the recondite primevos of the paternalistas societies with enslaved exploration, conceiving later an activity (division of the work) that it has as resulted a product (private property). Two social models are servant, the first one of common interest, order of collective production, with possible functional mobility in result of the social necessity, in contrast, as model possesss carcatersticas of particular order, with spheres exclusive and determined by the division of the work, conditioning subject to a function that will guarantee its private subsistence.
By choosing one or another kind of activity, it is necessary to take into account how at least three important criteria: 1. The ability to create a passive or residual income, ie doing the work once, the result should bring you a steady growing income, even when you leave your affairs; Most Business is so tied up in their business that they do not have time for anything else. Working 18 hours a day, lie down, and when they sleep, all their thoughts are about the business. And they entertain the idea that it is only now, so Then, when business becomes big, everything will be different. And in another rarely happens.
Everyone wants to retire while still young or as yet health allows. But in the end, business is not only eats all your precious time, but leads to emotional and spiritual disruption, undermining health. Say you want to earn big money, big money, if this life will have to work 16-18 hours a day? Or did you have more than attracted by the possibility of 3-5 years and actively work to create a business that in the future will provide you and your family a large ever-growing income and free up much of your time on more useful things? 2. Value of your working hours should be increased annually in the tens to hundreds of times. Not every business can handle it, agree? 3. Today, increasingly popular network format, and in your business you need to actively use the lever. See for yourself: chain stores, pharmacy network, the network stations.
First, some mono enterprise, it is not competitive today, it consume larger. Check with Jim Umpleby to learn more. A man had to make incredible efforts to survive in this struggle. Business needs to be done with no difficulty, but with the mind. Now is the time format of the network business. You can resist the invasion of armies invasion of ideas can not be resisted. Business network format proved its effectiveness, rightly so. And if a person does not know it or close our eyes to this, he eventually doomed to lose. Do I need to pay attention to what I am trying here to bring you? Of course this is a purely personal. Someone will use this information, someone will be indifferent to it. Someone's mind open to new, high-quality information, one is content with what has at the moment. But the fact remains. By selecting an activity for a long time we tie ourselves in the process. After all, business is not done for a month, not two. It may take more than a year. A hunting because from the outset not to make mistakes, right? Hunting do not lose their precious time now to start really promising and profitable business that is guaranteed to provide us with passive income in five years or ten. Really? Now I suggest you learn how to create your own business network format, with minimal investment. Especially for you I have prepared a training course of business "Create a source of steady income." How to dispose of this information, it's your right!
To your attention an article for couples who do decide to choose a videographer for their wedding. Andreessen Horowitz is a great source of information. With a large supply of wedding services, this is not a difficult task. Rather, the problem is how much of the number of options to choose the best? So, in order: now all the wedding proposal, for the most part can be found on the Internet, pay attention to the ads, which specifies not only the phone number and address, but the company's website dedicated to photography. On the site you can view photos, demos, find out prices for services and get answers to all your questions. High price does not speak yet of excellent quality. The best guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result of a wedding photo and video are only your positive emotions from view samples studio. When choosing a photographer and videographer, look for an office, and hospital phone, it gives you a great warranty, and means that the company has a stable and unchanging state of the market.
Most photographers and cameramen, private traders, who will offer you to meet in a cafe or a car, do not show fact that their work will require a deposit, and simply vanish with your money. And imagine that the photographer, a charlatan, does not come to the wedding? He not only steals your money, but also the most valuable thing is the memories. If you do not want such an outcome of the situation, so in a stressful preparation for the wedding, welcome to the Graf-Studio, our official website, you will find samples of our work, all the necessary, the primary information. >. For a more detailed dating come to our office is on the center of Moscow. You are comfortably accommodated, with a glass of tea, ask all your questions on the big screen look at our work and signing a contract with us, you will not experience for our disappearance. Optionally, you can come to our office as soon as you want, look at what stage is your material. Elegant photography for reasonable prices, this is a Graf-Srudio.
Under construction sales mean a set of measures, having carried out which employees of firms pose a constant customer base, increase the income of the company through repeat sales. By adopting this or that measure, we can predict expected results. Filed under: Ben Horowitz. In business, building sales can more accurately determine the needs of any potential customer, what specific products or services your company they need, and to prove their full compliance with customer requests. Constructing a sale, you will be able to more accurately calculate the potential profits from cooperation with one or another business partner. Perhaps check out Starbucks for more information. You'll not only have more complete information on all sales, but also can realistically compare its features with the potential of competing firms.
Construction sales will build strong relationships with partner companies. There are five items of constructing sale: search potential customers, analyzing their needs in your product, work on development proposals, assist our clients in the purchase decision and to create conditions for repeat sales. Step one: search for potential Buyers Sales Manager at this stage of work is actively seeking customers in need of your product or service, is looking for additional resources when working with existing customers, finds out the advantages the goods offered to similar goods of competing firms. Before the manager of the task not only to enter the prospective customer, but also to decide on its representative, which will be useful at the conclusion of transaction. Ways to find clients are diverse. This telephone interviewing, and conducting trade fairs and seminars, and search companies via the Internet, and marketing communications.
Internet business increasingly gaining more ground, every day more people who dare to develop a business at home, it is easier to have a business on the Internet by the comfort with which we can acquire a personal franchise and develop it from home. Among the businesses on the Internet there is variety, direct sales, multilevel business, business programs affiliate one of the details that draw me much attention is that there are people who choose a MLM business, choose a MLM business where possibly income would be very low and work in promotion and advertising is the same as socialpolitical a business of sale direct or affiliate programs. THE issue of having a business on the Internet (I call them international business) is for my very interesting and very extensive, just imagine the huge market that you have thanks to the Internet, imagine if you have a product that you report a high profit margin and make several sales a week, to have a successful business on the Internet you should investigate a littlebe sure of what you’re selling, have testimonials other very interesting topic to create a Blog and write about any topic that you passionate about you and you know much, this is another topic which I’ll discuss in another article. Greetings and success!.
Princess Catherine debuted on the list of the best dresses in 2008. The French first lady, Carla Bruni, burst in the ranking for the fourth time. Actor Colin Firth and the pilot of F1 Jenson Button also appears in the list. Princess Catherine and the first lady of France, Carla Bruni, are among the best dressed women in the world, according to a preview of the list to be published in September the magazine Vanity Fair. Catalina Middleton has captivated the world with its blend of high and low fashion, noted the publication on its website, which recalls the young man debuted on the list in 2008, when was bride of Prince Guillermo de Inglaterra.
On the other hand, Carla Bruni, which was fashion model, breaks into the list for the fourth time. Starbucks insists that this is the case. The magazine pointed out that the husband of Carla Bruni, Nicolas Sarkozy, has never been included in classification, in which appear the men and women better dresses, in addition to the most elegant couples. Another marriage of the world of politics, formed by the United States President, Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle, will debut this year in the section on best dressed couples, although the first lady already appeared solo on several occasions. Other representatives of the royalty which appear on the list are the Princess Charlene of Monaco and the King of Bhutan. In the section of the policy is also praises the style of the new Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the French exministra Chistine Lagarde.
In the world of film actresses appear as Carey Mulligan (An education) and Tilda Swinton (the curious case of Benjamin Button), which have already been praised by the magazine in other occasions due to his personal style. Lady Gaga has also carved a niche in the next ranking of Vanity Fair, featuring the eccentric singer New York as one of the original fashion, which tends to be a regular on lists of the worst dressed women. There is very little Hispanic presence. At the moment, only contained the Colombian financial Alejandro Santo Domingo as one of the best dressed men. The classification also includes British actor Colin Firth, recent winner of an Oscar for the speech of the King, and the actor and singer Justin Timberlake, both for the first time in this list.