The first of them – the training gives opportunity to understand yourself and how you look in the eyes of others. Many of the previous training received an effective tool for development and business development. Second Opinion – Personal Training efficiency – is a kind of sect, in their networks spanning the gullible and turning them almost into a zombie. I can say that most people hold a second opinion, hearsay familiar with the technique. One of the members of the forum wrote to me that when he saw his friend, excitedly telling about the leadership program, he was surprised such an unusual enthusiasm seemed to be forever tormented man. And then came the thought: "It does not happen. Can not ugryumets in such a short period to become a completely different>>.
Similar statements were heard more than once. On this occasion, I'll tell you one platitude. The man did not become another. Think of yourself in the day when you were passionate about some book or movie will surprise you. Think of your friends who have returned from vacation, where they were diving or riding in the mountains skiing.
Is not it the same enthusiasm had been heard in their words? You are not surprised? No? Of course, it's the same usual! As time passes, and LPishnik (PL – Leadership Program, not to be confused with nlp – neuro-linguistic programming), who wants to change his life toward success, with the same enthusiasm will tell you nothing of his new ideas and new achievements. A leadership program will give him the knowledge and tools to move forward. But this is only if he wants to make to this effort – no tools, no knowledge of themselves do not change. From here and another saying that the training of personal growth – is not effective. with whom I know, most of them were more successful than before passage of the training. Although not immediately. As with any knowledge they also require time for reflection.
The friendship is a thing much insane person, true friends never is gone, they are made use helping in them when we need, and always take off one sarro of us of each problem that appears, but know to speak seriously when the subject will be really serious. In the trajectory of our friendship we already smile demasiadamente, and already we had our days of fight, already we made the macaquices more insane people pra to see one to the other smiling, and already we hug in them strong when we feel the lack of somebody. I already also relieved and you. I already made besteiras and you much more. I made the thing more insane person who if can imagine and you smile of me until today. you made the thing most irresponsible of if to make and I observe, smile and only say pra you to take a dose of judgment. The famous little kiss in the forehead cannot lack in ours andanas, why it demonstrates the respect that we have one for the other, aconchego of friends brothers. also has ' ' Mine amor' ' , ' ' Paixo' ' , ' ' Amor' ' that we say one for the other, only pra that feioso man if not to approach, or that pretty girl not to look at you why you have namorada, sounds funny to remember these things is not.
E has more, our confessions, that we two only know, the things who you make and the things that I already made. We play, let us polish, cry out, hear musics, leave, eat, buy things together, share the smiles truest, dissimulate to be boyfriends, even so ours we hug of friendship we are sincere. You taught to like to me rap, social rock, tornozeleira, nets, taught to like completely different things it to me my time. He taught to me to tan it the moments simplest of the life, you he taught to me to be happy, and he makes me to you happy. The worse moments that we had are when people are without if speaking, you mutter for any thing she looks at, me with ugly face, and I simply dissimulate not to see, more deeply you me hurt. More later the anger he passes, and he comes back to the outbursts of laughter of new.
He knows that friend who makes careta uglier to see smiling pra you, therefore thus is you and you I will always lead in my heart. With you each moment if becomes perpetual happy, is funny to see you making a joke, until the tdio if it becomes funny. At a sad moment you to make to smile even obtain me, to make to more still cry or me. Already I beat to you for bobagens, already I jumped in its coasts, and simply apia you my tricks. Push you me, cry out with me, she is without saying with me for things toa, and still she complains when I say pra you to take care of of its work. I never had a so true friendship, with people who do not have fear to express its attitudes and to assume its worse errors, and demonstrates to each day that passes, that make we them happy.
A next step is To analyze the information that we observe and we describe. This analysis helping in them to know this family better and to understand the type of existing relation in it. During our analysis we need to remember that ' ' everything what it happens in a family has one meaning. Our actions reflect our ways to think, our feelings, our ambiguities, our possibilities at the moment, ours limitaes' ' (Szymanski, 2007). Therefore, everything what it happens in the family must be taken in consideration when to think about our pedagogical strategies stops to approach them of the school. The Statute of the Child and the Adolescent? ECA, in its article 53 prays: The child and the adolescent have right to the education, aimed at to the full development of its person, preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and qualification for the work, assuring to it: equality of conditions for the access and permanence in the school; right of being respected by its educators. (Interpolated propositions I and II) He is right of the responsible parents or to have science of the pedagogical process, as well as participating of the definition of the educational proposals. (only paragraph) Agreeing to the cited article, we cannot worrying in them in only having children registered the school, but anticipating them in the reasons that hinder its permanence, as the lack it material didactic and uniform because the responsible ones do not have conditions to buy, a pupil that are discouraged because it does not obtain to enxergar right of the picture, or does not obtain is concentrated for being with hunger, always arrives very behind in the lessons for liveing very far. They are aspetos that they need to be led in consideration to guarantee that this child or young gives up the way at the beginning. However, as already we said, we need to know the reality of this pupil to be able to help it and to guide the responsible ones.