According to Keegan and Green (2003), the process of taking of decision of marketing is also moving because of the modification of the role played for the information, which passed of support instrument the strategical asset, generating of wealth. For McKenna (2002), the consumers are moving ahead of the eyes of the marketing professionals and, to the measure that the easiness of access to the information and the power of choice that it brings continue to increase, the variety of options of the consumer also increases. It fits to notice that the modern consumers act on autodeterminadas preferences, as the programmable preferences of its computers. For Chiavenato (1999, P. Learn more at this site: Ben Horowitz. 419), ' ' … capital intellectual is the addition of everything what you know. In organizacionais terms, the biggest patrimony of an organization is something that every day leaves and enters for the door … ' ' , that is, it is the human capital, that is constituted of the people who are part of an organization.
this human capital means talentos that they need to be kept and to be developed. Drucker (2002) believes that bigger impact caused for the Revolution of the Information is the evolution of the education, that comes occurring since 1940, with the first computers. The people handle computers without imagining the gamma of information that absorb inside and of this process of dissemination of the information, the Internet exert basic paper, therefore it is a tool with which we can have the information in the real time, with access and reply at any time. For the Internet long-distance educations happen (courses on-line), that the people search as form of learning, autodesenvolvimento and perfectioning. For its side, the companies also search the processes of e-learning, in the direction to mold its intellectual capitals in accordance with its business-oriented focos. Of course, the marketing area cannot be of is, therefore it is each time more valued the intellectual capital, that is, at the same time, based in deep knowledge, the specialty technique and the cultural diversity at the same time, as well as in the capacity of work in team, relationship with customers and fast adaptation to the changes.