• Social Sciences

    May 20, 2018 // Comments Off on Social Sciences

    Beyond the necessity of investment in professional qualification, a reform would be necessary politics in the region, with the low one of ' ' coronelismo' ' politician who hinders the commercial competition, as example the law that was active for a period, of the supermarket, that restricted the construction of markets with superior size the 2,500 (two a thousand and five hundred) meters in the center of the city imposed for the current mayor, sector this who has one of the biggest employment indices of the parents, where the least would guarantee rise of numbers of formal job of low and high qualification. 3.1MERCADO OF WORK In Guarapuava, a study carried through for Silvio Robert Stefano, Professor of the course of Administrao/UNICENTRO, with Doutorado in administration for the FEA/USP; Arnaldo Mazzei Walnut, Professor of the PUC-SP and the USP, Doctor in Social Sciences for the State University of Campinas; Pierre Coast, Professor of the Course of Geography/Unicentro, Master in Geography for the Federal University of Rio De Janeiro; it indicates the directions of the work, productive reorganization, unemployment and beddings of the empregabilidade. It are carried through in this region, a research in the year of 2007 with 147 (one hundred and forty seven) candidates the job with auto-story instrument. The study he told that the majority of the searched ones is not fit in the structure of the empregabilidade, as the financial reserves, net of relationships and professional qualification. Situation this, that if becomes highly excellent, therefore in general changes is constant, the challenges appears and modifies the life expectancies, thus being, job chances if become scarce to who do not possess instruction and professional qualification. 3.2PERFIL ECONOMIC the city of Guarapuava folloies the Brazilian standard me the income distribution, in view of that great ratio of profit exists in it ace great companies, and little movement and chance the small averages and under diverse sectors.

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    The Portuguese

    January 21, 2017 // Comments Off on The Portuguese

    Its extration was rudimentary, not creating town and if not fixing as exportation product. At the beginning of its settling, Brazil was divided in areas, called captainships, whose objective age to populate the territory. The donees vendiam lands the colonists, practising an essentially commercial activity. In Salvador a governor-generality was installed to manage the colony, however, the general lines of the politics was formulated in the Europe, and its application interpretation was carried through by the governors and city councils, formed for farmers, proprietors of great agricultural areas and the first devices of sugar. At the beginning of century XVI, one initiated the culture of the first really important product for the exportation and Brazilian economic growth: the sugar.

    The Portuguese occupation if gave through the substance exploration tropical cousin, at a first moment with the exploration and withdrawal of wood-Brazil, later if developing the sugar economy. (FABER et al, 2008 p.2) It was initially introduced in the northeast coast, known region as Zone of Mata. Beyond excellent conditions of culture, the place also facilitated to the exit of the product for the Europe and the entrance of enslaved man power of Africa. Due to immense extension of land, the culture of the sugar if quickly expanded in the region, becoming a cultivation area, consequentemente increasing with regularity the exported volume of the product. In beginning of century XVII, Brazil became the main exporter of sugar of the world. However, exactly with cost of production 30% inferior to the one of the English plantations in the Caribbean, this activity of exportation entered in decline due to the excess of offers of the product in the international market. The culture of the product in Brazil did not disappear, only diminished. Some lands had been redirected for agriculture of subsistence, tobacco plantation, cotton, cacao and also the culture of products that fed the coastal population in expansion.

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    Deep Guarantor

    November 20, 2014 // Comments Off on Deep Guarantor

    According to document, the families with three income the six minimum wages will have partial subsidy in the financings, with reduction of the costs of insurance and access to the Deep Guarantor. – for the families with six income the ten minimum wages, will have a stimulaton to the purchase of the house proper with reduction of the costs of the insurance and access to the Deep Guarantor. – to make compatible the installment of the proper house with the capacity of payment of the family, the first installment will be paid only in the delivery of the property. It will have an optional payment of entrance in the financing cases. Howard Schultz often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The program still foresees a maximum comprometimento of 20% of the income for the financing. It will also have a reduction of the risk of the financing in the Deep Guarantor, a reduction in price of the insurance and fiscal disinvesting of a charge and notarial costs.

    However the existence of the budget, is not guarantee of real use of the money. An amount platform was established, but not of date – what it helps to configure the tone of marketing campaign, that as much likes the Government. For more information see this site: Keith McLoughlin . The program is the equivalent the three Stock market Family, but it brings the dependence of offers of lands, the adhesion of the States, cities and of the private initiative. To reach 1 million of houses until the end of the errand of Squid she will be necessary to more than construct to seven times the total of units created in 2008. Therefore, to leave the paper it will not be well thus Unhappyly the characteristic of our government is marketing sense and not urgency sense. I find until we could suggest the exchange of the name of the program of My house, my life for My election, my Dilma.Bibliografia: Magazine of the Week, edition 81 of 02 of April of 2009.

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    Offers Search

    March 27, 2014 // Comments Off on Offers Search

    When to acquire a trust never to feed the illusion of that he will be drafted quickly, therefore the priority always will be of who to give launches it greater and to remember that it is an obligation in the long run, therefore, if possible makes trusts with guarantees of insurance-unemployment inlaid in the parcels, the value is small valley to the penalty. When saving the people sacrifice part of the consumption of today in favor of a planned and adjusted future acquisition more. Generally they are in the small expenses that leave part what it could be saved. Credit: Douglas R. Oberhelman-2011. Another villain of our budget and that he intervenes mainly with our saving is the purchases in the supermarket or the store. He learns to effect its purchases in dates with low search of products, mainly enters 23 the 28 of each month, therefore, generally in these dates he is more easy to obtain discountings and true promotions. A rule is important for who it wants to learn to save or to save better, prevents the consumption impulses, when going to a supermarket is fed before, this will prevent to consume more than necessary and helps to control the purchase will. Source: Ben Horowitz. It never removes financial reserves to take care of purchase impulses. The possibility exists to gain money searching discountings and promotions, but this needs to be made a planning, verification of the necessity and to search prices. To leave to the purchases it looks to the least 3 store of its preference and in food case, one remembers to also search in the attacked ones that they vendam fracionado, although not to supply packings, some products can have very convidativos prices, but it is necessary to search the offers of the supermarkets to carry through a good purchase. Generally the economy in the item clothes and foods, followed as orientaes and in the suggested dates can exert an average economy of 20% on these expenses, think, write down and make a better programming of its purchases.

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    The Sales

    September 3, 2012 // Comments Off on The Sales

    Last componetente to be added is the intended profit. This phase is basic, therefore the joined value corresponds to the minimum price to be charged for the sales of the product or service, so that it is possible to repay the values used in production and to keep the economic and financial health of the company. This value also will have to base the promocionais actions that the company develops or intends to develop, therefore any value below will bring a negative return, that is, the costs will be bigger of what the profit. It is important to observe that the accompaniment of this value must periodically be carried through and in all the occasions where to occur increase of the cost of insumos, hand of workmanship or other item. Desctaca that how much bigger the efficiency and produtivide of the lesser company will be the unitary cost of each product, therefore in the practical one it will be if working with little wastefulness and producing more with little resources. In this direction, I observe that the profits of productivity, that can be gotten by the acquisition of a new equipment, training of the employees and diverse other factors, as well as the increase of the efficiency in the use of the resources, try the necessity to reevaluate the price considering the involved costs, with sights to guide possible promocionais campaigns for the conquest of new customers, increase of the sales and other actions. 2? To evaluate the price in relation to the competitors: Established the price in relation to the costs, the next stage and to evaluate which the price practised for the competitors. I remember that the best way to get the necessary information (price of the competitors) is by means of a field research, that is, to visit its competitors. On the basis of these information, can be found two situations.

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