• Archive for May, 2012


    May 28, 2012 // Comments Off on Cleaning

    We think generally that the money and the emotions are not related and is totally on the contrary. Yes you ask yourself because I do not have money first conversation how they are your emotions. The emotions are the motivating force did everything what we do in our life, the Greco-Latin roots of the word emotion are: to e=ir and movere=hacia, then the emotion is what it impels to us and directs. First it is necessary to know that I feel with respect to the money, exist technical to do it, I recommend the following exercise to you: Ticket removes from denomination that is and ponte to watch it at great length, and hazte conscious that you feel when to be doing it, that you think to near that called paper money, that memories you have with respect to him, dates account that happens to you when you are seeing it. Mantente thus by approximately 8 or 10 minutes.

    Yes during this exercise emotions like anger arose, sadness, anxiety or some other feeling or sensation that it dislikes to you, then exists a blockade with the money. Generally these blockades have his origin in your personal history mainly in childhood. Here I share the steps to solve this to you: to 1.Saber from where these blocking thoughts and feelings with respect to the money come, they are generally originated of the 0 to the 12 years, it looks for memories with respect to the money at that time, mainly those that brings about sadness to you, anger, fear, distresses. to 2.Respetar the feelings that appear with respect to all this, to cry what must be cried, to shout what must be shouted, to say what must be said. to 3.Reconocer that negative beliefs handle to me with respect to the money, to write them, to choose three more repetitive.

    4. After those three, to choose most repetitive and strong. to 5.Cambiar it ex on the contrary: the money corrupts by the money benefits here and now and it to me acceptance 6. Whenever that belief like repetitive thought comes to change it by the new thought. Here I give the first steps to you to begin to clean your relation with the money, most recommendable it is to attend with a specialist who helps you to do it of one more a deeper and customized way By. Dra. Elosa Chavarra the Dra. Elosa Chavarra is an industralist and a professional of the dedicated conduct to help the industralist who wants more results in his business, hundreds of people have benefitted with their guide. It knows his strategies designed to reach the next level in your business, visits: and receives free first. Original author and source of the article

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    HTML Site

    May 18, 2012 // Comments Off on HTML Site

    10 Reasons To have a Page Professional Web Many companies choose to order to the development of their page Web to some well-known that has basic knowledge of design Web, instead of to go to a professional. Next we set out 10 reasons to him for which it must have us for the development of his page Web: A Web site is its representative in Internet Its Web site acts like its business card in Internet, as if a direct representative of his business it was. If its site does not have a professional image, is losing potential clients. The first impression is very important; if contract to a professional will not move away to its clients the first one secondly. Professionalism When contract to a developer professional Web not only has a Web site of pleasant appearance, but also that it will give an image him that is the correct one for its company and trains. An effective Web site must be unique, pleasant in view, to have a clean and easy navigation, to load quickly and to work suitably in the majority of the navigators.

    Saving of Time When contracting a professional instead of to make the Web site by his account, it will save great amount of time, energy and frustration. There is a great curve of learning to make Web sites effective and exist many aspects in the development Web that go beyond learning HTML, which does a work full-time. A developer professional Web is enabled and updated in several areas like: Marketing, CATHEDRAL (Optimization for Finders), Communication, HTML, CSS, Optimization of images, Javascript, Accessibility, Usabilidad, programming in languages like PHP and ASP, design and database management, administration of servants, etc. To surpass to the Competition As you know well, the competition is hard in the real world and Internet.

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