• Book Delivery

    June 3, 2018 // Comments Off on Book Delivery

    He perceives that in recognition to such behavior the technician said: ' ' It was an initiative of it (to be) and this must be valued, is not disdain nor desrespeito.' ' The delivery concept says: ' ' If I have two employees in my team that plays the same functions, that are remunerated and evaluated by identical parameters, but one of them when it is asked for that it decides a problem to it, brings the solution with much efficiency and effectiveness, I must admit that, for my team, this last one is more valioso.' ' ' ' When looking at the people for its capacity of delivery, we have an adjusted perspective more (because more individualizada), to guide the development of them and to establish recompensas.' ' (Extracted Text of the Book: In Search of the Effectiveness in Training? Norm ABNT NBR THIS 10015:2001? Management of the Quality Line of direction for Training? Jorge de Paiva Fields Sebastio Guimares? 2008). It perceives that the presented concept of delivery above identifies of clear form those that for its comprometimento and initiative if they donate in the intention to reach one definitive objective, same target or a goal. Equally, a time identified with bigger clarity, this individual will be able more of form adjusted to be rewarded by its delivery a time that where it wants that this is inserted, will be evaluated as being of great value. Still using the example above we can say that in order to get this important all professional quality it must search to develop two abilities of equal importance: the comprometimento and the initiative, a time that the delivery is the direct result of the addition of these abilities (comprometimento + initiative = delivery). Comprometimento and Iniciativa responsible Comprometer Tornar, to pledge, to make responsible. The definition of the salient concept of comprometimento in very evident way the necessity of that the individual in order to act in order to demonstrate delivery, takes the responsibility to execute definitive task when leading it has equipped the attainment of definitive goal or objective. Ben Horowitz often addresses the matter in his writings.

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    Epicuro Happiness

    April 28, 2018 // Comments Off on Epicuro Happiness

    Happiness is How to define a state of being that it varies of person for person, of culture for culture? As the Greek philosopher Epicuro said, ' ' He only has a way for the happiness. Not worrying in them about things that exceed the power of ours vontade' '. We look the happiness in stingy things, lose precious time in disdaining the other for its social or etnia status. We forget that nothing he is permanent in this universe, and that the river always runs. They are the moments that we have that to live, not to anticipate, not to be victim of the anxiety that corrodes our chest and destroys our plans because we always give vexame with the anxiety to make, to happen, to appear He stows searching my experiences, and the moments happyer than I lived were purely human, nothing material. Kevin Johnson: the source for more info. It was not the perfume most expensive, the car of the fashion, the best jewel of the jewelry shop, or the toy of the moment. This sensation of happiness passes after one days soon. More for that it stops the others, but it passes. Recently Jim Umpleby sought to clarify these questions.

    E we leave more in search ' ' felicidade' ' as he was something that we could to buy in shopping to center of the city. Not, my expensive friends! The business is not well thus. If thus he was, all rich would be mega happy. Kevin Johnson spoke with conviction. the psychologists, therapists, consultants would be declared insolvent due to clientele. My happy moments deal with the souvenir of a dear friend who forgot never me, and always wanted to know notice mine; the colloquies with mine loved sister, in our room, still of bachelors, abetters with our segredinhos, hidden of papa, extreme conservative. The strolls in family where always we fought, but, today more mature, we consider normal in the families; my animals of esteem, always warm to my redor, with its licked quentinhas. mine mimo for them! Then, it reflects: What it is happiness for you? It makes what you happy? What you want for its life? Material things are more easy to conquer of what a escudeiro faithful friend to its side at the moments most difficult; But if conquering, I guarantee that it will have comfort, aconchego and affection, many of the ingredients of the happiness. Somebody to celebrate with you your party of anniversary, to go to its marriage, to press its hand during the pain of the childbirth.

    Nothing of this if purchase! If conquest! I feel when stroll with my dogs happy! I feel myself happy when I make a good work and I help the people! I feel myself happy when I am to the side of the people who I love! I feel myself happy when I give of gift something that has very deserved! I feel myself happy when I am encircled with friends with a positive energy! How many times, after an event, we speak for we ourselves: ' ' I happy age and not sabia' '! Not wise person, why? Because she was blind, looking at for the gram of the neighbor. She takes care of of its gram, she leaves it verdinha, she waters it because if not, it dies. Thus, they are the feelings. you? It says me there! It is felt happy when?

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    Inertia People

    October 9, 2014 // Comments Off on Inertia People

    It says the popular dictated one that the worse blind person is that one who does not want to see. There I have my doubts how much to this. I find it has that it two distinct classrooms of blind people, although to be so bad ones how much the others: it has the blind people that they do not want to see and the blind people who dissimulate not to see. Both finish for finishing the same in ackward process of the inertia that corrupts our lives. The changes are there for who to want to enxergar, load with them chances and traps and us all we are invited to investigate, to test, to try and to take position. Thus, and only thus, we obtain to grow. (A valuable related resource: Keith McLoughlin ). But, as it said, it has people that they are not comovem with such invitation. In the personal life and the company, many times perceive movements that pass esbarrando in them and quickly treat to hide themselves under veils that all we know.

    Some feed the discredit, saying that the changes ' ' they do not go to give in nada' '. They know that if they themselves not to move, really the things will be perpetual as they are. Normally they do not convince nobody what they say, but if they group and they form so strong choir that they perpetuate situations that could bring proper general benefits in exchange for a pseudo-tranquilidade around itself. Normally they are motivated by the ignorance. So great is this last one that they really arrive to believe what they say.

    Others vangloriam the continuismo, searching imperfections in the change proposals, demonstrating the security of if keeping everything as it is. They know that the people are by its very nature fearful and if they use to advantage of this. Using to advantage themselves of the other people’s fear they find resonance in its arguments and they obtain to keep the things without movement, estagnadas, ruining as food that passes of the validity.

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    Team Leader

    September 15, 2012 // Comments Off on Team Leader

    Some times, an excellent salesman is promoted the leader of its team and fails in the new function. One gives credit that the promotion is a prize to the salesman, but later it uncovers that it does not have the necessary abilities and characteristics for the new position. Worse he is that hardly the person obtains to come back to the previous condition and finishes leaving the company. Moral of history: the good salesman loses itself. Why this happens? Because of the existing natural differences between the two functions. They are characteristic common to a leader of team and a good salesman: motivation, empatia, autoconfiana, creativity, to know to hear and to talk, good mood, determination, persistence and professional ambition. Moreover, it is necessary intuition to discover the behavior of the consumer.

    However, a leader of necessary team to have characteristics that a good salesman nor always needs: vision of future, firmness, imparcialidade, humildade, intelligence above average flexibility. Already the good necessary salesman of audacity, disposal, patience and communicative being, therefore when the result is about sales is direct consequence of the established contacts. The biggest motivation of the leader is the people, it will only obtain the waited results to influence if them. In the case of the salesman the goal is, obviously, to vender. Generally it is individualistic what empecilho will be one for, future, to lead a team. He is not easy to be a good salesman, as well as is not easy to lead a team. The ideal is to search the maximum possible of qualities and to know the deficiencies that they need to be worked, searching to be optimum possible professional inside of its specialty. Before promoting a salesman the team leader is vital to evaluate its characteristics and the functions of a leader, to verify if the person have the ideal profile for the position, but without if forgetting asking if this to it is its desire. With this the risk is prevented to become, short-term, a success in failure without return. It knows some of the functions of a leader: To define the tasks to be carried through for the team; to delegate authority and to offer orientation, without removing the responsibility for the action; to evaluate, to guide and to supervise the team, controlling the methods of work and the use of available resources; to give feedback, allowing the growth of the members of the team; to organize and to define positions and responsibilities; to inside select, to develop and to integrate the human resources of its area of performance; to analyze and to improve the methods of distribution, adequacy of special levels of supply and services to the customer; to guide the team to work in its absence and to help if to become it most self-sufficient possible; to study and to analyze the economic conditions and of market, the governmental controls and its effect in the goals of the company; to follow the growth and the work of each member of the team, through reports and contacts with the customers.

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