• Jimenez Professionals

    April 24, 2013

    Posted in: General

    Solidarity for those affected by the earthquake in Haiti takes on Leon white coat of pharmacist. And is that the pharmacy La Palomera is raising from a week ago and until next January 31 donations for that country. We could not close our eyes to what was happening in Haiti and wanted to contribute our grain of sand, explains Felix Jimenez, owner of the pharmacy. So we decided to start an awareness campaign among our customers. The idea is that 3% of all purchases of parapharmacy products will become a donation for them.

    And is that while prescription drugs have very small margins, the products of pharmacy make it possible that the money raised is greater. An action that from MEDIFORMPLUS, the advice of management and Strategic Marketing that works with this Office, applaud since how express alvaro Murillo, its director of Marketing, is born from a private initiative which once again manifest the solidarity of the Pharmacy professionals and that surely will contribute an amount of money that will help to alleviate all the suffering that a people are already suffering if punished by poverty. So things, after January 31, the pharmacy will make delivery of a check with all proceeds to the Spanish Red Cross. Since the response from our customers is still very good, we are sure that the collected amount will be very good, ends Jimenez. ABOUT MEDIFORMPLUS is the company that more actively works with 450 of pharmacies most dynamic of Spain, advising on strategic aspects of their business (internal organization, marketing and sales, purchasing and stock management).All this to achieve differentiated pharmacies and prepare them to work effectively to a future of great changes. They are integrated by professionals with extensive experience in the sector, with extensive knowledge of management tools that the pharmacy today needs.

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