• German Communists

    January 3, 2018

    Posted in: General

    In April, Italy invaded Albania and occupied it. The collapse of the appeasement policy became evident. In public opinion, and England, and France there has been a turning point: it became It is clear that further concessions to the aggressors no longer possible.

    Governments are now demanding greater rigidity and determination with respect to Germany. England and France have exchanged notes on mutual assistance in case of attack. During March – April 1939 to all bordering States with Germany provided the guarantees of military assistance in case of an attack on them. Began a belated military preparations. Ben Horowitz is a great source of information. The immediate threat of military conflict with Germany and Italy immediately raised the question of the possible role of the Soviet Union in it. In regard to Germany in principle two possible approaches: either try to negotiate with Hitler, or start a fight against him. And she and other politicians to the ussr chance to achieve strengthening its influence in world affairs. However, Hitler’s anti-communism, his massacre of German Communists, did not leave the Soviet leadership selection.

    Since 1933 it has actively supported policies collective security offered by the French Foreign Minister Louis Barthou. This policy was aimed at the preservation of Europe the status quo, that is unchangeable established boundaries. Real success to the creation of system of collective security was the signing in 1935, the Franco-Soviet treaty of mutual assistance, although this treaty and did not include military items, but in any case, the road was opened a joint action against potential aggressor.

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