• National Advice

    October 25, 2019

    Posted in: General

    It finances projects of investment of productive enterprises of the industry, agroindstria, aquicultura and fishes industrial, technological development of the environment, tourism, commerce and services. 3.5FINEP the Finep (Financier of Studies and Projects), in accordance with works the politics of the Ministry of Science and Tecnologia (MCT), and with joint with the National Advice of Scientific and technological Development (CNPq); apia action of C, T& I of public and private institutions. One of its purposes where its financings and actions are come back is the accomplishment of activities of research, development and innovation of products and processes. Some of its programs of stimulaton to the innovation are: Finep Inova Brazil? This program in accordance with takes care of to the companies of all the transports, offering differentiated taxes the lines of direction of the new industrial politics, that divides the sectors of the economy in three axles: programs mobilizadores in strategical areas; program to conciliate and to expand leadership; programs to fortify the competitiveness. Interest Zero? This program of support grants to loans the interest the zero micron and small innovative companies, is in the commercial aspects, of process, product or services.

    Program of Support to the Research in Companies (Pappe)? It has for objective to stimulate the capacity of the MPE of the regions North, Northeast and Center-West by means of the support, aiming at to add value to its businesses to extend its differentials. Apia projects of P& D of products and processes, elaboration of business-oriented plans and study of market and companies of technological base, under the responsibility of researchers. Program To innovate? Directed to the MPE that they possess as center of its strategies of business the technological innovation. It promotes instruments of financial support the companies through the risk capital. It has for objective, to support the innovative companies through a program structuralized of venture capital.

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