• Material Positive

    June 8, 2019

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    6. Use support Material. The supporting material makes it easier for your audience to pay attention and increases your confidence as an exhibitor. It makes it practically impossible to forget your main points. If you’re not sure of the next item, you only need to check the support material Go on. In addition, the use of supporting materials as posters, broken pages, presentations by computer or real objects, can add not only attractive to your presentation, also can keep you fully concentrate on your exhibition, so your concern about your appearance will be less. 7 Develop a positive Mental attitude.

    Positive with imagination, you can develop a positive, real and detailed mental image of yourself. When you see you speaking with confidence, you come back safer. In your mind, you can simulate the feelings (of satisfaction, for example), even where there is no such real situation. Obviously, positive images alone does not give you the result that you want unless you prepare and practice your exposure. Positive thinking and mental images can be used in many aspects of life. They can help us handle the nerves in interviews work, discussions for the resolution of problems, test scenarios, or any other circumstances in which our confidence you need an impulse. To be successful at speaking in public, you have to visualize yourself as a successful exhibitor. You will you have no layout, the stimulus, or practice to succeed, if you feel that you are someone who is nervous or ineffective.

    Remember: Learn how to dominate the nerves to have them under control, not to delete them. Use them to your advantage, thanks to them you will be more alert and attentive. Feeling nervous is normal, that you notice is fatal. Victor Toscano.

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