Readers. All company has its problems day to day, but in the year end all appear of a time alone, while it worked ties late, in one of these stops for a coffee me came to the mind the heading of this text. Vocs must be thinking that strange heading? Let us see. When we go to a free fair we find almost everything what we want, I remember you graze them of the hot and delicious fairs of So Paulo. I am leaving the subject. The companies in a general way always have problems and some difficults to decide, want if she has a good planning or, a good team or not so good, simply the problems do not appear and have that to decide.
These problems can be compared the fruits, vegetables and too much products that are vendidos in the free fair. We go to the list of ' ' compras' ' Pineapple: it is a problem of difficult solution, generally has many thorns and they do not costumam to be candies, to the times already are passed; Cucumber: it is a problem not so serious as a pineapple to put has a difference, exactly decided it is ' ' twirling for some tempo' '. Eggs: it remembers omelette to me and to be made omelette is necessary to break eggs, is the situation where to change some thing she is necessary to break a paradigm and all change always dislodges somebody, she is that this there the problem; Lemon: it is when sour decisions and solutions exist to be overcome; Cheese: many times we have that to use the technique of the Swiss cheese, to together make the task to the few with the other most urgent ones? Salada: it is when we have some problems in an only plate. As we saw in our fair exists of everything a little. It will be that I forgot myself something? Yes, the pastelo because in some cases we have situations that more they seem a comedy! We go to reflect on this! (Peter Pablo Galindo Morales is Technologist in Management, Postgraduate in Controladoria, Technician in Accounting and writer of web, pedropaulomorales@