• The Difference

    November 15, 2014

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    There are many definitions of coaching. With regard to business coaching we can say that coaching – a professional employee assistance company in defining and achieving its business goals. Coaching focuses on the rapid increase in the skills of the head or the Executive in order to effectively solve business problems. Coach does not give advice – on the contrary, he asks questions. But as a result of clarify these issues, client and articulates its goals for yourself, clarify the task and and finds the best way to solve it. Coaching assumes that every person has tremendous inner potential problem and a coach – to disclose this potential and, when it comes to business coaching, use it in the interests of the company.

    Thus, the difference between coaching and consulting is primarily in the approach to solving customer problems. The consultant works directly with its task. In other words, the consultant, having studied the situation, offers its complete solution of the problem or gives clear guidance to deal with it. Or, if needed, takes full solution of the problem itself. Coach works directly with people in order to address their task. Coach does not offer ready-made solutions, but gives employees the opportunity to find these solutions on their own, as well as find the most effective way to implement these decisions and requisite resources.

    Consultant – is, first and foremost, knowledge and experience. Knowledge of how to act properly in a given situation, how to solve a particular problem. Experience in solving a wide variety of business problems and issues according to their specialization. Moreover, not only his personal experience, but also experience of his colleagues, the experience of other companies, both successful and not. Unlike a consultant, coach – it is rather a partner to solve business problems. And here are important, not its expertise in business, but how well it possesses the skills of coaching. It is these skills coaching allows the client to find the right, sometimes unexpected, solutions and maximize the effectiveness of their actions.

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