• Wolfgang Bergmann

    June 25, 2018 // Comments Off on Wolfgang Bergmann

    What is the policy the people can not more will return the policy to the Public debt to repay, i.e. after Adam Riese: “This plan will not work”. With a rescue package of 750 billion euros against 3 billion speculative funds, which daily uncontrollably whizzing around the planet, that’s just ridiculous and proven bullshit. The worldwide speculation has approximately 600 trillion euros of funds that are in continuous use. Yes, that is actually in the truest sense of the Word no alternative and the real alternatives – such as the ban on hedge funds, ban of the short-selling, prohibition of speculation on currencies at all, ban of the speculation with food and essential goods and all around the world – and so on – and so on… Everything is political, more or less, not wanted or correct and honest – the politicians in power feels obliged not the public interest, but its clientele.

    I hate to say it, but we are the free Democrats, who contrary to the common interest and thus democratic principles in the Constitution. You should turn and their political Responsibilities in the democratic sense. Stops to make, which will significantly reduce the rotate of the speculation against a financial transaction tax. You poor policy – how could you only let it come? Kowtowing as a supplicant to Mr Ackermann to help the German Finance Minister, it’s unbelievable – and before viewers on German television. Man – did Mr Schauble sorry me and that was embarrassing. I can’t describe the feeling that came with these pictures of me. There was no anger or rage, I was ashamed to the innermost and affected. This is truly no alternative.

    It is Curry and beg a few cents without any pride and honor. The way to even more unequivocally dependency. People, politicians wake up and see the consequences of your trade for all our futures. Finally step out of the shadows of this coercion and extortion of speculation and makes your work that you were elected to protect of the common good of all people and for our world – in which we all live. Finished Finally the global suffering, end the wars, hunger and do something for our children, they are yours – and let her not constantly on the new down. Stop to talk in sentences which itself does not understand her, and about her you just wonder if you have pronounced them in phrases. Talk in understandable sentences and truths and understands what you want to do and will do. Your work as it does you the Constitution suggested, simply read the ten commandments, there is everything easy, what you need to work. Even the sermon on the mount is a suitable reading. Please find an alternative and is finally concluded with these bailouts and rescue screens with expiration date. There are the sustainable alternative looking for her! Find the way to greater prosperity for all and not reversed the European assistance package of full cruelty to the people of Europe. “Renewable cash” (Googling). A useful idea. Wolfgang Bergmann

    Posted in General

    Federal Assembly

    November 19, 2016 // Comments Off on Federal Assembly

    Our community in Germany, but will found a difference between the citizens and the people and we can hear it almost every day and read. At the moment we have a civil government, which is composed of three confessing, bourgeois parties, what they can emphasize enough, the CSU, FDP and the CDU. Any hearing or anyone from the people or positions can of course be citizens – by speaking his city or better camp, setting leaves and one of these parties joining or she chooses in free elections. This civil government has a majority in the Federal Assembly, which elects the German Federal President. They can never, in terms of policy, what I am getting, quite simply, because both candidates are conservative and bourgeois, because it is a political office, the citizens and at the same time the people represented and would not do it. An independent candidate, which requires any party, Guild or Guild is and feels only who can be a candidate for the people as a whole. If there is a such candidates at all or will give yet is very questionable.

    Possible democratic election and candidates. Who of the two is now elected and win the election? Elected is the candidate who is the keepers (Conservatives, citizens) to the most loyal and to them and which is called the acquis which preserves Guild and that can be only Mr. Wulff. Mr. Wulff is an excellent and seasoned Prime Minister of the CDU, which is to his party, has done so much for this, and has – never objected in contrast to Mr.

    Gauck, which even bourgeois and conservative but circumstances by his completely different biography, which follows much freer ideologies, could veer off and therefore could harm the Guild of the keepers. Quite apart from – the choice of Mr. Gauck would succeed by dissenters in the centrist camp, would show in its cohesion as such weakness the bourgeois camp and could disintegrate as a coalition in the worst case. With all good or evil will, of at some in the Government’s Bundestag groups prevails, very few will dare to make one, its own acquis or even the Government as a whole in question if any. Just as it would also happen if wife Kassmann, the darling of the people would stand. It should do one and democratically, so freely choose according to his will, Guild is in and this means loss of acquis, such as offices and political career and punish that will want to risk really none. There’s more genuine democracy and would you dare them, there would be the President of the nation and its citizens. Based on Willy Brandt: dare more democracy. This article describes an issue is non-speech Wolfgang Bergmann author by renewable means of payment

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