• Venezuelan Informal Economy

    March 24, 2020 // Comments Off on Venezuelan Informal Economy

    Inequality doesn’t matter me because I’m not envious. I care about poverty. Pedro Schwartz in other opportunities already we have expressed on this topic, you know, that Venezuela presents an unstable economic scenario, being one of the main causes of the informal economy, political uncertainty, due to a Government that has led to changes, actions that in some way has seriously affected survival, behaviour of firms and since then, in the quality of life of the Venezuelan. Actions that have not followed a systemic management integrated into strategic plans economic chord to its reality, more than anything else, has been given much improvisation that has seriously affected its economy and its productive sectors.Has developed a significant informal economy, which has given way to that appear many entrepreneurs who start a small business in search of their livelihood to face up to their responsibilities of living and, in some way, provide a service to fellow citizens, in order to meet their needs through a product required, always within a limited field of action and seriously affecting many businesses that operate within the formality, which comply with all regulations that the Government demand, especially before a very dynamic, menacing tax that the State since then, it has imposed.

    It is very necessary. that the current Government, under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias, should be paying close attention to the current behavior of the informal economy that faces the country, its increase, since this is cause of many factors that have been instrumental in its growth and involvement for the country, especially in the absence of an unproductive business sector, unemployment, inflation, actions, programmes counteracting it, is a serious problem for the formal economy for those who offer their products complying with all legal regulations that the State sets. It is worrying and is perceived in the programmes of Government plans, strategies, effective actions that will channel the current role that the informal economy is playing in the economic scenario of the country..

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    Promoting A Business Online

    May 30, 2014 // Comments Off on Promoting A Business Online

    Exit in the top positions of Google is possible for any company be present in the main search engines (Google, Yahoo, Msn) is a synonym of new contacts, and therefore new customers. Many companies have invested their efforts in creating a web page, but few to make profitable their investment, i.e., in getting the web serve to increase business. For example: the fictitious company La Masia, dedicated to the accommodation in the Pyrenees, has a web page, but not taken into account the promotion of this website, so doing a Google search only appears with the words La Masia, lamasia.com i. A client interested in spending a few days in a farmhouse in the Pyrenees, if you search for information on the Internet, makes searches with words like: cottage, accommodation in the Pyrenees, rural, rural accommodation in the Pyrenees, etc. Therefore the La Masia website to not be positioned for these words, It will be invisible to most users, who eventually first finding the sites of the competition. There are different ways of promoting the website of a company on the internet, two of the most effective are: Natural positioning consists in applying the techniques necessary to increase the value of the web search engines. This way we managed to improve its position in the natural results of search for some relevant words for the company (keywords).

    A natural positioning of a web project is a very effective work, but their results are not immediate, in many cases not begins to notice the improvement until after 4/6 months. We must bear in mind that the search engines change their of indexing very often, i that there are technical standards penalized that may pose to disappear from the list of results. Ads in Internet consists of web advertising, including ads in search engines IO in other websites. A campaign in a search engine such as Google, makes it possible to appear among the first search results, for the words that we decided, in a matter of minutes. Also you can insert into web pages with content related to the company, text ads, image ads, ads in video this type of advertising is the most effective and profitable there, since the advertiser only pays for results, i.e. only pay if a user clicks on your ad, regardless of the times to see the announcement.

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