The essence of this method is that the previously formed temporary connections, reflecting and organizing any relationship with the objects of the body, can be excited in the perception of a similar situation, instituted during the perception of objects (situations), to coincide with the previously separate features perceived object. Resulting in a comparison of similar objects, situations. The basis of association by similarity is the ability of the brain to the excitation given set of temporal relations, reflecting collection of certain elementary relations conditioned stimuli (reflecting a particular object), the perception is not all this set of conditioned stimuli, but only parts of it, is a common part of all similar objects, parts, generator common to all these objects traits for which these objects and unite as similar. Read more from Howard Schultz to gain a more clear picture of the situation. For example, the anthropoids, who once reached for a stick through objects lying so that the unarmed limb to reach them in the future is able to use a mental image of this activity, firstly, in a similar situation, for example, in order to get the bait from behind cells, because, secondly, with those objects are also capable of is extended limb – wire rope, etc. Thus, in regard to the acquisition of information about reality in the organization of its activities anthropoids are on the second level of quality development of individual forms of the organism. Organization of their activities is carried out not only by the unconditioned reflexes (kinds of shapes activity), and conditioned reflexes to relation of objects or patterns of perception of reality (the first quality of an individual form of the organism), but also by conditioned reflexes to ratio images represent objects of reality.