Economic reform program provides for three stages of pension reform. In the first stage – before the end of this year – are going to introduce a fixed amount of pension contribution for entrepreneurs and uproschentsev limit the size of the maximum pension. At the second stage – before the end of 2012 – plan to provide incentives to citizens upon reaching the retirement age continue to work, as well as to increase the minimum period of insurance length of service for retirement pensions, eliminate unwarranted benefits for early retirement, to begin a gradual equalization of retirement age for women and men, the gradual redistribution of the contribution rate for pension insurance from the employer to the employee. And also – to increase supervision of pension funds, enter the funded system of public pension and mandatory corporate pension schemes to fund early and special pensions for certain categories of professions related to risk their lives. By the end of the third stage – in 2014 – is scheduled to diversify the private pension schemes insurance, enter a program of joint investment, etc. To stabilize the solidarity of the pension system to raise the minimum duration of insurance for old age pensions from 5 to 15 years; bring the retirement age up to European standards (65 years) for participants in second-tier pension system; encourage later retirement by increasing the duration of the regulatory experience of 20/25 years to 30/35 years with a simultaneous increase factor for excess length or postponing retirement, separated employee's contribution from the single tax, etc.