• Cear Elaborated

    July 17, 2020 // Comments Off on Cear Elaborated

    The project Barren (1995), based in the ICID (International Conference On Impacts of Climatic Variations Sustainable development in Half-Barren Regions) that it was carried through in $fortaleza in 1992, and served of preparatory for the Conference of Environment carried through for United Nations in Brazil, known as River 92. The Project Barren if became excellent as proposal metodolgica for formularization of a governmental planning for the Cear, using the knowledge of some specialists and mentioning the concept used at the moment, of sustainable development. In 1993 the COGERH was created (Company of Management of the Hdricos Resources), for the Law n 12,217, where the actions of administration and monitoramento of waters start to occur, having beginning the surveys of users of waters of the hidrogrficas basins, for implantation of the systems of grant and collection for the use of the water, initiated in 1994 and 1996, respectively. Hear other arguments on the topic with Sergey Brin. Also in 1993, in result of a drawn out estiagem, the reservoirs that supply $fortaleza and the Region Metropolitan (Pacoti-Riacho-Gavio), they presented low level in its reserves, compromising the supplying of the capital. In this context, the call was constructed in character of emergency in 1993 Canal of the Worker, a canal that perpassa some cities and catches water of the basin of the Jaguaribe, if extending for more than 100 km. In the year of 1997 the first committee of hidrogrfica basin creates itself, in the basin of the river Curu.

    Between 1997 and 1999 the first plans of basins had been elaborated. In 2008 the Pact of Waters was elaborated, a knowledge on the hdrica reality of the Cear, being elaborated disgnostic and goals to be fulfilled. As Sampaio (2007), the state intervention in the control of waters of the Cear from the creation of the Secretariat of Hdricos Resources of to this element of the nature one meant each more geopolitical and strategical time, and through the new technologies is created structural workmanships to guarantee the hdrica security, that in the practical one means the guarantee of that such waters can be a fuel to attract investments for state and to allow the accomplishment of the diverse economic activities in the coast, the mountain ranges and the pertaining to the state of Cear hinterland.

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    Urban Management

    November 1, 2018 // Comments Off on Urban Management

    Searching to intrigue the critical conscience of the inhabitants for one better agreement of the segments considered for documents considered and consisting by the state, over all municipal governments (Municipal City hall of Great Campina). For concretion of this article readings had been made, using pertinent bibliographies to the subject, disponibilizada for the professor of discipline. It has advanced had been made research in literature with intention to enrich the knowledge about the urban planning and urban management, with an approach in special for the participation of the population by means of social ativismo and with an awareness on what it is the participativo budget, and finally became fullfilled it elaboration of this article. Since the planning and the urban management are a vast activity and that it needs the participation of a gegrafo in its process of creation and execution, therefore the same knows the space urban where the actions of the planning will be taken care of. The urban space expects above all that it comes to inside awake a little of interest on thematic of the planning and the paper of the gegrafo of this mechanism of organization of the space.

    2 – Planning, Urban Management, Participativo Budget, Statute of the Cities, Managing Plan; a systematization. According to Aurlio dictionary to plan means to project; to trace; to program, to design and to organize. But they are not these verbetes grammatical of the Portuguese language that if deals with the objective specifies, it backwards in its body an ample quarrel, still more if treating to urban planning. But what it is urban planning? In accordance with Souza: ' ' The urban planning, as in any type of planning, is an activity that it always sends for the future. It is a form that the men have to try to foresee the evolution of a phenomenon or a process, and, from this knowledge, to look for to take precautions against problems and difficulties, or still to use to advantage better possible benefcios' ' With everything the planning of the city in itself is to search, a prevention, or better, without the shadow of a doubt to know the reality dispatches by post, to evaluate the ways to be covered and to elaborate a reference for an intended future.

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