We found that CRM is on the one hand, a comprehensive business philosophy, on the other – a process or tool to focus the company virtually for the implementation of the client's interests, in other words, this comprehensive philosophy. Its central element is the establishment of long-term, mutually beneficial relationships between buyer and seller. And so, before embarking on vndreniyu crm-systems or Quick Sales Sales Expert, what would become, in Ultimately, a company using the principles of CRM, you must answer ten key questions. They can be grouped into the following categories: customers, relationships, and management decisions. Clients: 1. Who is among our customers? 2. What our customers want and what they expect? 3. How valuable are our customers? Relationships: 4.
What type of relationship we wish to establish with their clients? 5. How can we contribute to establish relations? 6. How can we achieve cooperation and establishing joint control? Managerial decision-making: 7. Who are we? 8. What should we do to bring value close to our customers? 9. As measure the performance of our business and to manage them? 10. How to improve our ability to implement change? Getting answers to these questions – a necessary condition for the success of CRM in the company.
These responses are determined, firstly, evolution of the firm's relationship with its customers, and secondly, to develop a management plan for relationships across the company. I would like to add that this article presents the main issues for the implementation of the principles of CRM in end of the company. Each of these questions, in my opinion, porazhdayut still several issues that, in principle, are nothing more than a consequence of the specifics of a particular company. Anyway, each of these points could be devote a separate article, especially the decision-making, here just a mass of submerged rocks. Any subsequent stages of implementation more gramozdkie and more specific questions included the internal partnership to create market-oriented company, involves questions of mission and strategic goals of the company (design, selection, development of marketing programs, tzuchenie and review, checking and correcting). Include issues of personal sales and general overall relationship as such. But, as they like to express heroes tevelizionnyh talk show 'that's another story. " The next article will be dedicated to just the preliminary stage, namely failure CRM-initiatives.