• Por Tip

    October 15, 2014

    Posted in: General

    My father did not want nor to know, and ran away from the place and, from fear of revenge of the relatives, he had that to also run away from the city, leaving the girl he stops backwards. Pra Campo Grande, sad came back. When arriving in the central square, Ari Rabbit, seated in the bank, way without knowing pra where to go, deciding if half engolia the pride and it looked the family. But here it is that its new brothers, still boys, worked in the square, if they capsized as bootblack. My uncle says that had been looking at of far half that wanting to recognize.

    Marcindo that was new, called one another brother and asked pra it if was not ICO. It confirmed they had been there searchs it. They had been very happy for reencontro and seeing it well. They had convinced it to come back pra house. Abbey, little new, trepada in a foot of goiaba, called the sister oldest, Olinda it sighted when it of far. ' ' But that one is not ICO there far that it comes come with the boys? ' ' already pra had left running the two to recepcionar the brother, who was very well received by all and without hurts. Family has of these things, small disagreements, but what she matters exactly it is the union. After this, after going to live in Por Tip, already married it found a brother of the girl who namorou in Ribas, informed that it that the transferred youngster came to falecer on account of the shot and that the young woman if had married and had some children, but for complication in the one childbirth, also came to falecer. My father was very sad for the two, but he followed the life.

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