It detaches certain spasmodic movements/sporadical precedents and its lack of continuity in relation to the socialist ressurgimento from 1880 and points the differences between such phenomena. It seems that a decisive landmark would be consolidation of a railroad net – and the specific economy underlying it (coal bunker, railroad workers and sector of commerce/transport), as great employer of gold man power at the time of the Victorian economy. In such a way, the importance would be in identifying where measured the development and the expansion of the new industrial economy it affected and that ways affected the laboring classroom (P. 276). Such observed changes had been able to be expressed in the increase of the absolute size and in geoespacial concentration; in occupational the functional change/of the workers (each time more railroad and women in the txteis plants) – it would be important to detach there that increasing mechanization annulled to part of the difference played for the technique and manual specific knowledge of the traditional craftsmen; any one could easily play the work to operate a machine, being enough its initiation. On the other hand, the economic policies of the government if had uncurled in the one direction ‘ ‘ concentration each time greater of the national economy and its setores’ ‘ , basic for the national integration and joint of the diligent classroom in national scope, making to happen a bigger expression of the massivas mobilizations and the general strikes.