• Vacinar Nurse

    December 11, 2017

    Posted in: General

    Patients beyond agitated run the risk of if to extubarem, needing bigger attention To control glicemiA rigorously hiperglicemia is associated with the biggest incidence of sepse, serious the renal insufficience and to the biggest time of ventilation mechanics and internment in UTI hidroeletroltico Control rigorosoO correct hidroeletroltico control provides to liquefazer muco, as well as promotes the expectorao and restitutes hdricas the losses decurrent of fever, sudorese, dehydration and dispnia. To notify how much to the purulento appearance of escarro or change of the characteristic of escarro already to existenteIdentificar how much before a possible infection and to evaluate continuously its I foretell To evaluate the vital signals systematically, oximetria and the arterial gasometria SO2 Monitorar carefully the evolution of the patient, in order to detect signals and suggestive symptoms of infection, as hipertermia, taquicardia, dispnia, etc. medicamentosa Administration in the stipulated schedule. 3C: certain medication, certain hourly certain candy and. To reduce the possibility of acquisition of farmacolgica resistance and microbiana Realizar complete physical examination in the patient (exclusive nurse). To evaluate its evolution and to firm the nursing process (SAE). To give to greater attention the percussion with macicez/submacicez and auscultates with creptao or increased broncofonia To request secretion culture when necessary (exclusive nurse or nurse of the CCIH) microbiologically To identify how much before an infection, as well as its antibiograma, to use therapeutical the efficient one in lesser time To carry through isolation of the patient in cases of suspicion of serious and/or resistant infection and in confirmed cases (exclusive nurse) To prevent dissemination of the microorganism in the sector and possible surtos Promover change of decubitus of two in two to horasPromover the full aeration of the pulmes, to improve the purification of secretions, as well as reducing the risk of atelectasis and the aggravation of the Vacinar pneumonia against pneumoccica infection patient of risk (aged; imunodeprimidos; imunossupremidos; chronic pneumopatas; lesser children of one year of age, born daily pay spa; primordially) Activation humoral immunity Realizar sterilization of high degree in the respiratory equipment, as protocols of the central office of materials and CCIHReduo of the infection for exgenos agents Trocar the circuit of ventilation only for new patients or when this will be to sujoEvitar unnecessary manipulation periodically To carry through microbiological examinations in setorA end of if knowing microbiota of the unit.

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