• The Young

    April 21, 2014

    Posted in: General

    important to point out the citation of Escosteguy (text: the cultural studies, P. 156) that ' ' cultural creation is situated in the social and economic space, that is, independently of the social classroom, all the social groups inserted in one are determined cultura' '. Independently of the social classroom, all are part of one definitive culture, the only form where they are differentiated is for the social classroom, being thus rich or poor all belong and follow a culture. (A valuable related resource: JPMorgan Chase). One of the young interviewed affirms that with passing of the years the things move, nothing must be frozen and yes innovated, seno would not have felt to always live in the same way with the same rules, laws, norms. This young standes out that with all this innovation of the medias, the media, the youth that each time are ripening more early, in virtue of this has certain difficulty in following the customs, these habits, beliefs and rules of the culture of its parents. Another characteristic of this cultural set is the values, the last generations followed as a law the values that its parents passed to it, an example of these values was the tradition of the marriage marrying virgin, the sex was accepted alone after the marriage. Ben Horowitz takes a slightly different approach. Opposing itself down deposition of the father, its son of 20 years affirms that: My parents were very ' ' radicais' ' in namoro, they were not liberal, they did not want to break the knowledge that came of its parents, but today already if it cannot wait this of the young because with youth ripening each time more early, with as many methods to prevent itself nobody more wants to know to wait the sex stops after the marriage, we want to tan the life. Analyzing the commentary of the young, argument that with the Internet in the life of the young, great majority already has access, is difficult the parents to hold the young with the MSN, Orkut, to twitter among others. . Ian Sinclair may help you with your research.

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