• The Boy

    January 27, 2017

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    First, many stayed, but then began to run out of food stocks, people from starvation reached a frenzy, took away the bread, I tried to take, but I firmly held, I learned later, of the boy, but was frightened and ran away, and what I could do. Once on the distribution of bread straight from the man grabbed the weights and started to eat bread, his women were beaten, and he closed his hands and ate it. But I can mention, people have never climbed out of queue, all were calm, no one is nicknamed. People are people … When it became absolutely nothing to eat, we started buying leather belts. I will never forget as I stood at the pot and waited and waited … they are cooked for a long time to be you can chew … then my brother and I greedily swallowed neprozhevannye pieces.

    Bombings and shootings every day. Blunted feelings of fear for their lives. In the air all the time felt an odor of broken brick and scorched iron. Once the siren caught me on the street, and I hid on the first gateway. Roaring, whistling projectiles … For more information see this site: Marc Lautenbach.

    and suddenly, one came to the house where I was standing just on the other hand, in the front entrance – but there, too people were hiding. For a while nothing could be seen on the red dust … After the shelling, we ran into that part of the house: the entire entrance littered with bricks, and there were killed and wounded …

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