• The Best Hobby – Collecting

    December 10, 2017

    Posted in: General

    According to estimates, on average every tenth inhabitant of the Earth is a collector. It does not matter that he collects – it is important that it stands out among those items that are most interesting to him, and in some ways are especially valuable. This may be coins, pins, buttons, calendars, stickers, plants, balls, cars, etc. Human imagination is boundless. But collecting can be called collecting only if some items collects more than one person, but at least a few. Ben Horowitz has firm opinions on the matter. After all, only if the rivalry is born, which is driven by all collectors. This rivalry makes the buying seems to be absolutely useless things for a lot of money.

    Surely each of us had heard on tv as a regular auction, "left" coins or stamps for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and because some instances are even more expensive. Is not the top "tomfoolery" to spend a state on the label, which may be soon be lost descendants. But this is the essence of collectibles. Among all kinds of hobby collecting, no doubt, a clear leader. For example, take a dozen of their friends and remember those who have something to collect, and who enjoys skydiving or hang gliding. I think that the first will be a little more. Why is it collecting is a hobby? The answer is simple – at his favorite pastime, we spend much time and study and systematization of collection material is time-consuming. Sometimes collectors simply looking at their "treasures" are spending on this thing for several hours.

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