• Childhood Homesickness

    December 7, 2024 // Comments Off on Childhood Homesickness

    Homesicknesses of my time of moleque, my friends of the chest. How many they pass me to souvenirs for the mind! Souvenirs of the banns of river, the pipes in air, the marbles and the balls to kick; of the wood stands and the parties of carnival. As the meninice times were pleasant, the world of the adults in did not say nothing to them, did not affect in them in nothing. But infancy is as a circus spectacle, that lasts some instants, however, is something esplendoroso, that as a tattooing marks our life while to live. Ben Horowitz will not settle for partial explanations. It is truth, the time passed and today I am part of the life of the adults, it is not as infancy, in it we have that to run to fight, to conflict, to work, eita monotonous life, without favour! Adult we are little creative, less curious, do not value the small acts, do not love nothing nor nobody. The world of the adults has few horizontes, few feelings. You may wish to learn more. If so, Marc Lasry is the place to go.

    Today I am part of the world of the adults, but I did not forget that one day I was child. Today, I run, I fight, work and conflict as an adult, however I think as one child, therefore I want to continue to live the life with new horizontes, therefore it has a latent child in my life. Today, we are part of the world of the adults, but in this ' ' mundo' ' he is not determined not to love nobody, the love can come with another roupagem, other reasons and of varied form more, but it exists! How much to the fights, the runnings and the conflicts ah the life would be monotonous without them! It is the form where the adults had found pra to continue the trick! kkkk I loved my infancy! But I am tanning mine ' ' adultice' '! Or better, my youth! My runnings My madnesses! But this is the form to place pra is the latent child who has in me. I continue laughing to toa. I continue playing. Earring of being child, time for another one says me to a child that it goes to mark with me to go the house of it to pass the day all playing of hide-hides, catch-catches, to go club pro! Earring also if to be adult I run behind the bus, I hide myself of when necessary the social life to study and go for clubs/strolls when me I allow to pass a time with the friends – of the same etria band! rsrsrrs The life continues pretty nor everything is perfect, as it never was! But in the adversities, people can find the reasons to be happy, because the life continues.

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