Every day there are articles on the Internet about the quality of the various service stations, a lot of debate and discussion, where it is better to repair your car and how to select the desired station. Sensible advice, as a rule, no one offers. Some criticize the official car services for high cost, fraud management, poor-quality work of masters. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Jim Umpleby by clicking through. Others praise and say never problems with the official did not arise. Some say that the garage shops or what not worse than the branded service stations, just need to know a good master, is unique, not difficult to see people who want repaired in the garage is much smaller. The last option is to motorists, council elected profiled informal garages that specialize in repairs of certain make of car, or on any particular form of repairs to cars, confidently believing that such services are working narrow-profile specialists who are certainly qualitatively repaired car. To broaden your perception, visit Jim Umpleby. Sometimes, even with feedback about a service station, opinions are divided fifty-fifty, the opinion of the first "no longer there foot! ", and the remaining write" now just go! ". It turns out that only by doing a good service center can be determined by changing a few cars and more than a dozen stations? Well, if this experience is already available and repeat it is not necessary, you have long chosen favorite brand of car and a couple of good, not very expensive service stations, but what a newbie, because a bad experience nobody wants to buy. .