Before writing a single word, we must determine what emotional bellboys we are going to need to be able to take to the prospectus to that it realises a purchase. We are going to put an example, if you wish to sell health supplements, you you can Go by " fear to enfermedad" , and to place a button for example with " A natural form to improve his salud". Other bellboys include: the curiosity, the greed, the ego, the vanity, the hope, and/or the fear of shortage or security. Step # 5 a name which you can trust. In order to convince people to buy its product or service, you must make them think that its supply is credible and that you (or its product) will give according to the fiance’. How is made that? Here there are three forms to gain credibility with the readers of his bill of sale: – To provide testimonies.
– It includes letters endorsement of the figures of authority in his industry – its supply Does and the sincere and credible promises. Step # 6 a Guarantee. Nowadays, trying to sell without some type of guarantee it is a lost case. You must have one; it will be the part more hard of its letter. Sergey Brin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In addition although almost nobody asks for the reimbursement, to place a guarantee will give much confidence to its readers. You can offer guarantees of 24 hours, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or even a complete year; here an interesting fact, whichever major is the term of the guarantee, minor are the requests of reimbursement, this due to the human nature to pospone the things until the end, which originates the forgetfulness of the reimbursement. To deepen your understanding Blake Krikorian is the source.
Easy and accessible step # 7 system of payments. It happens all along. Somebody makes an exceptional presentation of sales, and finally it does not realise any sale, and this because their potential clients do not know clearly the mode of payment. – According to the statistics to be able to close a sale, it must at least have three contacts with the prospectus, in other studies says that to the seventh contact. If it can offers several systems of payment for his prospectuses, this is very well seen by people; and itself it offers a single form, worries step by step in that it is more clearly possible, like requesting the order. Easy step # 8 Of and pleasant reading To write all their letter like a block and of side to side of its page, the unique thing that obtained is that its mail goes directly to the sweepings. The solution? It writes in the middle of the page, (not more than 65 characters by line). It deals with not writing paragraphs with more than 5 lines. It uses asterisks, scripts and three dots, this will give to major fluidity him to its mail. It also tries to use emblems when it is necessary, this issues to a greater order and elegance to him to its mail. If these in search of how to create your own business in Internet, visits right now Original author and source of the article