They are routes that lead to nothing and will bounce. Or is that there will be traps and dead-ends. Perhaps this has happened with their late sixties avant-garde experiments, era that nevertheless allowed the coexistence in the same cultural space of several poetic trends their devotees, supporters, sponsors and critics, sometimes enthusiastically discriminators and absolutists have wanted it or not. But the choice that show these verses not limited or encloses; but the craft of the silversmith consists of working with all materials. The desire for conciseness and accuracy is expressed in this same part of the book, the poem ADVENTUROUS: sharpen each word and squeezing each syllable, with the result of the achievement of the communication that is the ultimate aim of this journey or voyage poetic: the paths of the book going to the meeting of the other., says hands to work, which implies that the poetry is also conceived as a common area, an encounter. Passed so dimension merely communicating to the situational (concrete, social?), since in the same poem poetic issuer asserts that it seeks to create a space shared., and poetry is also land of encounter, concept of great current validity that is no stranger to the virtual world and politics. This intention metapoetica than traditional lyrical look verses inside seems to encompass the various dimensions of the production and appropriation of Scripture, especially poetic already since the first poems of the book: the doubts always besieges page is tarja tells us in writing at any time can be that you peek the poem and extends sound and sense to join a firm willingness to form stated in various moments in the poem take place close the text as fiesta de vendimia, the poetic issuer asserts in ADVENTUROUS is provided by the new book the other looks with affection or indifference what consciousness turns or stuns the drowsiness. .