The vanity can be a virtue. The intellectual, moral, social vanity, spiritual are propeller of any human being provided with ethics. It does not exist ethical for ethics. The attitude personal and social human being and its effect is part of the vanity human being. All intellectual each more uncommon time exerts a vanity.
The taste for the knowledge. You may find that Ben Horowitz can contribute to your knowledge. Exactly that it is not used for absolutely nothing, or simply for a useless masturbation of ego. It is acquired and one accumulated knowledge for the profession and/or the vanity, most of the time. The work is the action that manifest this type of vanity. We work for two basic reasons: material sustenance and moral accomplishment. Many are limited to the first motivation. For others as much, the minority, this moral accomplishment has as principle to help to improve the humanity. A certain coletivista feeling.
A concern, that exactly subtle, with the welfare of the fellow creatures. The lack of the ethics in the work is one of the characteristics of the Brazilian people. The individual corruption. The boycotting to exercise of basic individual duties, and the absence of ethics and citizenship is deep marks of our people. the lack of instruction or degree of escolaridade does not justify this reality, therefore these attitudes do not predominate in the low income population. The majority of the population of middle class does not know, not even, the meaning of the ethical word. nor wants to know. Our administrators are fruits of this moral reality. Pra low nor of low pra does not exist from above ethical commitment top in our structures politics. If the public power does not offer the rights of the people, the people does not fulfill its duties. if the people do not receive its rights, it have the reasons enough not to fulfill the duties. A number of citizens very reduced, still preserves the social ethics. this is each time more rare. Of certain form, the social ethics are white of ridicularizao, debauch and disdain. In all the amplitude of the work and the institutions the ethics are considered something worthless. In room of lesson, for example, the pupil that if you make use to learn and to fulfill its duties, is white of ridicularizao. In the work it happens the same. If the worker makes question to fulfill to its function with efficiency it is white of disdain and disrespect.