• Nissan Sunny

    July 30, 2015

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    What attracts Russian motorists in the Nissan Sunny is still, despite the advanced age of the model. After the first time Nissan has introduced a brand of Sunny as much in 1981. A model was last updated in the face of Nissan Almera in the 2007m. Probably the reason for the successful combined with adequate consumer properties of the low price. Fresh from Russia bezprobezhnye cars from Japan you can get in Moscow for about $ 10 000. This is the price of new Lada.

    However, the motorist receives Sunny automatic transmission, windows and front and rear, a good full-time speaker, ektroreguliruemye mirrors, heated rear window. The trunk opens from the salon, in the driver's seat can get even a large Russian man, and behind him at the same time can sit still and mother-in-law. Ben Horowitz describes an additional similar source. QG series engine with chain drive, which means almost no maintenance to 300 thousand kilometers, with the timely replacement of oil is finite. Automatic Transmission Classic, requires no maintenance to recycling vehicle. Suspension with a continuous beam from behind do not kill even in Russian, famous for its wells and bumps, the road.

    And there is a model of Nissan Sunny and four-wheel drive. They are certainly more complex and expensive to maintain than front-wheel drive, however, have several advantages. Brakes, front disc, rear drum. The car certainly does not sport, not lighter, but dynamics do not cause disgrace. For the city, 1.5-liter engine with 105 horses well enough, but it digests 92y our gasoline appetite with a modest 10-11 liters per hundred. The car is equipped with a filter and air-conditioned cabin, and in Super Salon and complete climate control. The disadvantages of this Nissan Sunny FB15 in the body may perhaps be attributed the problem with the headlights. Faro shine by Japanese standards and do not have evroanaloga. However, they can be set at least so they do not dazzled passers-by. And some enthusiasts manage to put in lights and xenon. So if you are not afraid to put your hands and it's not a problem, since the instructions on this change on its own posted online for free. Through its consumer properties and affordable price Nissan Sunny and popular on the secondary market is liquid enough among the right-hand drive vehicles.

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