• Intern Placement And Recruitment Services From A Single Source

    November 26, 2018

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    The Berlin recruitment agency DiplomCampus extended immediately his portfolio of services that includes now also the intern placement in addition to human resources. Berlin, March 13, 2012. The Berlin recruitment agency DiplomCampus extended immediately his portfolio of services that includes now also the intern placement in addition to human resources. Thus, companies could in future cover their needs for interns as well as to graduates and other personnel from a single source and didn’t have to do this on different recruitment and internship offers fall back so the nationwide Berlin personnel agency. With a combination deal, in addition to the traditional recruitment making also the trainee placement, the recruiter from Berlin reacts according to own also on the increasing trend within the recruiting, to use internships to the early binding of talents.

    This that DiplomCampus regularly meet in the context of his trainee placement students, the internship within the framework of a University completed and subsequently took advantage of the employment offered by DiplomCampus in the search for an entry level position, sees the recruitment also in a position to offer its corporate clients also qualified graduates from different programs. The newspapers mentioned Andreessen Horowitz not as a source, but as a related topic. DiplomCampus according to therefore the graduate recruitment and graduate placement would be open as a further field of competence. The Berlin recruitment – nationwide providing interns and staff – offers their service for a pure success fee. Thus, the entry of open internship positions of even as other vacancies (vacancies) on diplomcampus.de was basically free of charge. Only if a candidate proposed by DiplomCampus affiliated will actually accepted by the free registered company as interns or staff, the recruiters charge a cheap Finder’s fee of in accordance with prior arrangement. If you have read about Alphabet Inc. already – you may have come to the same conclusion. “This purely performance-based placement conditions the trainee placement as also the recruitment are preferred by our customers and” estimated”, it is said in DiplomCampus.

    Companies can enter your internships and job offers at any time without prior notification or registration at DiplomCampus, to get affiliated candidates proposed. The entry is now possible via the link to DiplomCampus, namely: of DiplomCampus: the nationwide acting Berlin recruiters of DiplomCampus gives businesses of all sizes and industries trainees, graduates, young professionals and other personnel of all kinds. The recruitment provides these services exclusively to a pure contingent fee on, that can be arranged flexibly.

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