Resuscitation of lightning, or 'lightning decision problems "Many of us are faced with the unpleasant fact when at the most inopportune moment' divergent 'zipper on his jacket. And many of us believe that lightning will have replaced. It is not so! We continue to publish articles that will help you to make minor repairs to clothing home today, we offer you several options as possible to solve all the 'lightning problems' at home conditions. The first variant. Lightning does not have any external injuries, but she disagrees. Most likely, the reason lies in the runner, that is, increases the gap between runners restrictive thumb, which closes the links of lightning.
To solve this problem we need the pliers, an awl or nail clippers and a little patience. Our task, removing with scissors or sewing a restrictive brace at the top zipper, remove the slider. Once the restrictive clamp is removed remove the slider and find restrictive runners. Now, gently compressing the slider pliers to reduce them to one another. But do not overdo it! Press a bit, checking each time whether sufficient pressure, vdevaya slider back. If you overdo it – the runners back to straighten without breaking them, it will be very hard. Option Two.
Lightning is integral, and the slider is cracked or crumbled. Remove the faulty zipper slider and note its number, written on the back of the thumb. In any fabric store, a hardware department can help you find the right thumb. Purchasing replacement Old slider is better to buy a few more prozapas, are they not expensive, and the nerves and will save a lot of money. Option Three. Zipper ripped out the links and the entrances to the zipper worn out. Necessary to replace the lightning. And this is a long and complicated, so that the confidence of its professionals. 🙂 Insert a new zipper will help you in any studio sewing and clothing repair. The cost of such services would range from 100 rubles to 600 rubles depending on the garment, which was broken by lightning. PS: To extend the life of lightning can be lubricated after each wash her surface normal candle. And then lightning does not pripodneset you unpleasant surprises.