It says the popular dictated one that the worse blind person is that one who does not want to see. There I have my doubts how much to this. I find it has that it two distinct classrooms of blind people, although to be so bad ones how much the others: it has the blind people that they do not want to see and the blind people who dissimulate not to see. Both finish for finishing the same in ackward process of the inertia that corrupts our lives. The changes are there for who to want to enxergar, load with them chances and traps and us all we are invited to investigate, to test, to try and to take position. Thus, and only thus, we obtain to grow. (A valuable related resource: Keith McLoughlin ). But, as it said, it has people that they are not comovem with such invitation. In the personal life and the company, many times perceive movements that pass esbarrando in them and quickly treat to hide themselves under veils that all we know.
Some feed the discredit, saying that the changes ' ' they do not go to give in nada' '. They know that if they themselves not to move, really the things will be perpetual as they are. Normally they do not convince nobody what they say, but if they group and they form so strong choir that they perpetuate situations that could bring proper general benefits in exchange for a pseudo-tranquilidade around itself. Normally they are motivated by the ignorance. So great is this last one that they really arrive to believe what they say.
Others vangloriam the continuismo, searching imperfections in the change proposals, demonstrating the security of if keeping everything as it is. They know that the people are by its very nature fearful and if they use to advantage of this. Using to advantage themselves of the other people’s fear they find resonance in its arguments and they obtain to keep the things without movement, estagnadas, ruining as food that passes of the validity.