• EJA Education

    November 13, 2012

    Posted in: General

    Reason and conscience are endowed with and must act in relation ones to the others with spirit of fraternidade' '. The necessary diligent pupil to believe that the pertaining to school space is not destined only to the scientific severities of them you discipline, but also, that there they are supported by professionals who primam for the dignity human being and, that the relation educator/educating is not a verticalizada action, for the opposite, are an exchange to know scientific, philosophical, religious and of common sense, supported for the affectivity and tolerance, beddings that if perpetuate in the good interpersonal relations. After all, the education would not have felt if its actors did not use to advantage the space of classroom to create bows of friendships. If he is very, or if it is little time for evaluations, are not intensities to be argued at this moment, the fact is that 15 years already had transferred the objectives of adult young the directed educational lines of direction of 1996 to the e, where if they include the diligent pupils registered in the EJA here the level of Basic Education, give signals of failures. It does not have doubts of that the proposal to prepare the citizen for the market of practical work and to social explicit intention in LDB 9394 (1996, Heading I, Paragraph 2)) ' ' The pertaining to school education will have to associate the world to it of the work and to practical social' '. is not reaching the necessities of the diligent pupils of this century, who after all of accounts, for force of the fast transformations stimulated for the globalization, demand new practical a pedagogical one guided without contradictions for them pillars of the education for this century XXI. 2.2 the four pillars of the education for century XXI In the year of 1998, was published the Brazilian edition EDUCATION, a treasure to discover translated by Jose Carlos Eufrzio.

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