• Eastern European

    November 10, 2014

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    It is unclear what caused this imbalance. More difficult to explain why, for example, skiing has been taken in 2362 test, and in the ski – just 92. Downhill skiing is not as popular, very widely represented in the Olympic Games, and the specifics of skiing involves the effectiveness of banned substances psycho-stimulant and anabolic plan. In our opinion, WADA in vain so much attention to competition testing, resorting to the pressure on athletes, going beyond the legal field.

    According to anti-doping laboratories vnesorevnovatelny control reveals the use of prohibited substances and methods only 0.72% of cases, ie signs of doping are found in one out of 138 surveyed athletes. Given the uncertainty analysis, possible conflicts and trials, such activity could be, if not ignored, then surely do not put it in a number of critical sections, as is done in the Code. If, however, analyze the effectiveness of competition testing in terms of economy and determine how much it costs the IOC and governments that practice, then issues arise even more. Therefore, WADA should be in its early efforts to extend basic processing standards, objectification List prohibited substances and methods, and then deploy a large-scale work on the testing of athletes. Unfortunately, WADA has gone on exactly the opposite way – a dramatic expansion of testing and tougher sanctions on non- Deprived of their deficiencies and flawed standards of business organization. The one-sidedness of the anti-doping system strongly support the results of the survey of 100 high-class sportsmen – members of national teams Eastern European countries, we conducted in 2003, more than 75% of the athletes (and in some species, such as weightlifting – 100%) are convinced that without the use of doping is impossible to achieve victory in World Championships and Olympic games.

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