• Developing Creative Citizens

    June 9, 2018

    Posted in: General

    This, one more time I say, passes for the form of management of our schools. Also, as the author of the text places, I believe that a change of route in the curricular politics exists, therefore, we see that a bigger concern exists in if considering the Inter-relations and not only to follow what the written documents present. It is basic to include the planning processes, lived deeply and reconstructed in multiple spaces and for multiple citizens in the social body of the education. Andreessen Horowitz may find this interesting as well. The necessary school to be the place where the people really are worried about its end item: the pupil. Without shades of doubts, this goes to pass for the pertaining to school management that will have to emphasize the formation of independent, critical and creative citizens placed the service of the globalizado world, keeping, with this, the submission of the education to the productive world, where the citizen has time and voice. As we always affirm, this managing school of lode at the certain moment in alerting on the changes in the education; such changes alone happen independent of FHC or SQUID (clearly that its action intervenes), but before everything necessary having will of ' to want mudar' to make with that resume, planning and all the actions in classroom or are of it, pass for the conscience of each one. ' ' The main objective of the education is to create men capable to make new things, not simply to repeat what other generations had made creative men, and descobridores&#039 inventive; '.

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