• Collectivism

    March 23, 2020

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    But the growth of self-interest led to a new ‘capture area’. Replaced by a generation of 70-80s., Combine the Soviet and capitalist values. This generation is called the ‘lost’ because it was left to itself in the choice of life. In their youthful formation time of restructuring. Changing social ideology, changing priorities of parents, teachers and friends, and social stratification. They were raised to mouth and collectivism, and chose Coca-Cola and the American way of life. They threw themselves into the open sea of business, career, house purchase, but secretly recalled bonfires, singing and dancing in pioneer camps.

    When Collectivism was replaced with a market jungle, there was not just a change of scenery. Changed our friends and family. Even the plant changes the size and color of the leaves when it is transferred … Some contend that Howard Schultz shows great expertise in this. And the more people change when it finds itself in different surroundings. The new generation risen in the wake of ‘perestroika’ the 90’s, totally different. It seems to stop on the run, seeing that the pursuit of money and power do not bring happiness. Young people have lost ground.

    All around also the sun, food, parents and country, but there is no self-confidence in the future. All around the frozen pending the unknown than before. In the wake of the growing crisis of the XXI century youth does not want to live for the sake of money and careers. In search of pleasure she runs in different directions, trying to taste everything that comes their way: abroad, drugs, religion, unisex … Just these guys could be called ‘lost generation’, if not a ‘but’. Their need is higher than that of their parents, but they do not see how to satisfy it. Generation of 90, entering the XXI century was confused because of such rapid change, which the education system does not find a solution. Crisis pushes young people to learn their new role in a rapidly changing world.

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