• Bolivarian Education

    March 13, 2020

    Posted in: General

    Need a new educational management, more consona to what Venezuela, our case is facing, especially before the new changes that has generated the current Government of the Bolivarian revolution, under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias proposed instituting a new socialism according to the characteristics of the 21st century. Precisely, changes the President has fostered has affected significantly stability political, economic, social, cultural of the country and especially in a sector that involves us according to our professional training, as it is productive, where enterprises, particularly SMEs have felt the how these changes have affected their productivity, forcing that is required of professionals more committed, visionary, strategists, who put into practice the knowledge acquired in their professional training, which must be backed away with a good quality of education that universities must propitiate him, in order to meet the challenges and generate the necessary changes, to rescue the business sector, specifically SMEs, whose role in the present leaves a great deal to say, above all by its unproductive. The graduate program of the specialty of the quality management and productivity, the Faces of the University of Carabobo postgraduate Area, is fully aware of the importance of generating a new quality of education faced with this reality, especially considering new openings, alliances, conventions that has been brewing the current Government with countries of advanced technology such as RussiChina, Japan, among others, in order to seize the opportunities, advantages which it is derived.

    To do this they have structured their programs up-to-date requirements than the present demand, with new knowledge of science education, system integrators, contextualised individually and socially. It has been proposed to these new challenges improve the quality of education to meet the needs that the country demands in this, that favour the social need, benefits derived properly use science and technology knowledge, collaborating in the productive development of the companies that allow contribute to the country in its economic development. Is very valid expressed by Elizabeth Villasmil, that improving the quality of education, has become a challenge that must assume as a duty and a commitment with Venezuela; a great challenge which must undoubtedly take all Venezuelan, but that is going to engage in a more particular and more direct way to teachers. And add to the same university authorities that they should play a more proactive role, transformadorPara assume and carry to the practice the great challenge posed by improving our quality of teaching, the first thing that needs to be done, it is know the proposals made by the Ministry of education, culture and sport, in particular through the national basic curriculum, and reflect on them, confronting it with our experience and our educational practice. Essential starting point to, from, Star, in the immediate future, an education more open, more innovative and more meaningful to the realities that the scenario demands..

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