• Big Data Minds

    March 18, 2020

    Posted in: General

    We invites 25 June 2013 – from 23 to 24 September 2013 highlights, keynote speeches and news of one of the largest conferences of Europe on big data management Berlin.CONECT to the annual Conference a big data minds 2013, which decision makers and leading experts in the areas of data management, big data – architecture and security, as well as specialists in the fields of planning and building the necessary data infrastructure depends. 15 Best practice case studies and numerous interactive sessions experts and users from the industry can be resistant as well as current developments concerned issues in the operational both as to Exchange also strategic management of big data. Keynotes of speakers vonTop on the big data minds 2013 Conference: “Thomas Ruckwaldt, business architect process management, finance / business solution / CTO Office, Coca-Cola erfrischungsgetranke AG provides big data and enterprise mobility risks associated with mobile access to corporate data”. First, he is from the Securitykonzepten talk for mobile devices. Then, he reports the participants about the risks involved in the connection of private devices and BYOD. Otto Schell, head of SAP CCOE / EMEA SAP business process manager, Opel Vauxhall Europe speaks in a case study about releasing or a process that other perspective on big data”. Mr. Schell is talking about change potential for process chains, as well as about the request in the collaboration Department / IT.

    Here, he will provide also an insight into the security prevention and in the governance of trusted environments. ” Gerhard Kress, Director strategy transformation, Siemens AG, focuses on big data in the industrial context at Siemens in its case study”. In this context it is important notes about the data from M2M communication and inform about the requirement for a high-performance infrastructure for use by big data. In addition, he will be detailed information on the use and interpretation of the data in real time.

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