How to gain with the dollar in Argentina 19 October 2009 Cambi the tendency in the Argentine exchange market and a country with a high rate of real inflation near 15% and an Argentine peso that receives appreciation pressures, can be only reached a waited for performance of 12% in dollars placing the fixed money on credit A good business no? I believe that to this height of the circumstances, the fact throughout this time by the Central bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA), can be catalogued like heroic and than more commendable. The BCRA continues taming to the market, a market knew that it to win in other times taking to the Argentine economy to undergo several and remembered episodes of crisis. The monetary authority of Argentina is being the fireman of the government and now it is fighting to maintain to the type of change in front of the dollar harassed by the pressures to the appreciation. White Javier for the Nation, gave account of the fight that is maintaining the authority responsible for the monetary policy in Argentinean to maintain the value of the green ticket. Between Tuesday and Thursday, the BCRA acquired in exchange market US$ 485 million, when months back the situation was radically different and nobody imagined what it is happening by these moments with the value of the dollar in Argentina. Until month ends of July, the BCRA had had to sell around US$ 1,180 million to avoid a depreciation of the Argentine peso affected by an incessant exit of capitals and driving of the speculators who bet with force by a type of change over $ 4 towards end of year. I am not going it to deny, in the middle of this context also I was convinced that the dollar would reach $ 4 when the 2009 took leave to take step to the 2010. .