There is a verdict on Qaddafi. There are many results found in Libya. Some point to his last days; others, after their counterattack, the prolongation of his Government. It is convenient that Libya must solve their internal problems without foreign intervention. United States hastened to send its fleet of the Mediterranean for fear that Islamic extremism (read Al-Qaida) take power. Meanwhile, the European Union reacts cautiously, since the Libyan oil is vital to him. The economic and political interests outweigh the human rights and democracy. Ben Horowitz has much experience in this field.
The picture is confusing, I am speaking or not I am speaking? The world rejects a unilateral entremetimiento, one multilateral would be badly seen, also, by the Arabs. Libya is not Iraq and domestically Gaddafi ruled with heavy hand to prevent the dismemberment of his country by the irreconcilable differences between their tribes. Despite the fact that for many it is regarded as a God, 42 years wasn’t le enough to reduce poverty, despite the fact that swam in petroleum. Many Nations wanted to see God Gaddafi dead for their support, funding and training terrorists, but a couple of American bombs from Reagan to two bunkers of the Libyan leader who escaped with life – did reflect and forget the armed struggle in other Nations and the West tolerated it and forgot his regime of repression, as happened with other Arab countries. Oppression is not the friend of peace and the first to react were the young people who have lost their fear to their historical leaders who rule for 20, 30 or 40 years, with high levels of corruption.
There are riots in 18 Arab countries. It is not known who will continue tomorrow. Meanwhile Presidents, Kings and sheikhs have announced further democratization uprisings of emergency laws and subsidies on the staple foods, in an attempt to save their thrones. The insurrection in Libya, at the close of this Edition, va causing 2000 deaths, 5000 wounded and missing 1600. There are many doubts about the news of if Qaddafi launched into Libyan air force on the civilian population, which caused worldwide revulsion. So far, there is no evidence, testimony, photo or video that was true. This seemed an American psychosocial to isolate Tripoli. It is convenient that the international community will form a Committee which verifies the situation prevailing in the country. Let us hope that the Libyan issue be resolved quickly if we don’t want to see the barrel of oil above $150, with disastrous consequences for the world economy: less economic growth and inflation. Peruvian decision the decision of the Peruvian Government to suspend relations with Libya, although it was praised by other States and organizations of the world and even qualified copy, had, without doubt, its high degree of moral component, since trade relations with that country are negligible. In the media was important, but if riots and repression increases in other Arab Nations, it would be absurd to the Peru is suspending relations with all of them. The Peruvian Government has made a great effort to approaching Arab as to which a good decision in the short term, but bad in the long, pull away years of work. It is not good to suspend or break relationships, there always has to be partners. United States and the then USSR, nor in the Middle war cold made him. We hope that the Arab South America Summit be carried out although I have many doubts – to build bridges between two regions that are not known. * Journalist. Member of the original press foreign author and source of the article.