Often due to not having time one it neglects its physical state. Here we have exercises for nascent in the subject that just by 10 minutes daily could be burning calories. When running of the days podra to be increased to the amount of repetitions per day or podra it are added weight. For example, when happening the first week podra, according to the time available, to do it 2 times per day or to increase the amounts of repetitions. To exercise arms Of knees and legs crossed Las Palmas supported in the floor and arms estendidos without curving the back, flexionar the arms to lower and lueo to extend them to raise. To repeat 10 times To exercise legs and gluteos Stopped with the separated legs around the hip, to flexionar the knees with the right back, making to go down all the torso. To lower until forms an angle of 90 degrees with the floor.
Something important is that the knees do not pass the line of the ends of the feet.The being a quite intolerable exercise at the outset, 1 every 2 days would begin with 5 repetitions and Iran being increased. To exercise abdominal Laying in the bed, with the flexionadas legs, to raise the right torso until it is to 45 degrees of the bed and to lower. To repeat 20 times. To exercise Standing up twin with the together legs, to lean in a wall and to raise the heels standing up putting itself in ends. As much the ascending movement as the descendent one must be done slowly since if the exercise will not work. To repeat 20 times. To exercise back Much people do not give importance him to these exercises, but they prevent many pains and the appearance diseases or deviation of the column. Laying in the floor mouth down with the hands in the nape of the neck, will rise all the torso until it is to a height of 45 degrees.
The head must be always watching downwards. To repeat 15 times. For these exercises a preheating is not necessary, but an elongation when finalizing is necessary. He is recommendable to complement these exercises with cardiovascular exercise like walking 30 minutes, and far better if they are possible to be done trotando.